Convert palette to OKLCH

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kvalheim 2024-04-22 22:01:05 -07:00
parent a9f123991d
commit 4743612db0
3 changed files with 33 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ sudo nix-channel --add '
# User
nix-channel --add "$RELEASE.tar.gz" 'home-manager'
nix-channel --add '' 'nix-colors'
nix-channel --add '' 'nix-math'
nix-channel --add '' 'unstable'
nix-channel --add '' 'community-vscode-extensions'

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ in
dconf.settings."org/gnome/desktop/background".picture-uri-dark = host.background;
dconf.settings."org/gnome/desktop/screensaver".picture-uri = host.background;
dconf.settings."org/gtk/settings/color-chooser".custom-colors = with palette.rgb;
map (rgb: mkTuple (rgb ++ [ 1.0 ]))
map ({ r, g, b }: mkTuple [ r g b 1.0 ])
[ red green yellow blue orange purple ];
# Shell

View file

@ -1,49 +1,47 @@
{ lib }:
inherit (builtins) listToAttrs mapAttrs substring;
inherit (builtins) listToAttrs mapAttrs;
inherit (lib) imap0 mapAttrsRecursive nameValuePair;
inherit ((import <nix-colors> { }).lib.conversions) hexToRGB;
inherit (import ./lib.nix { inherit lib; }) oklchToRgb rgbToHex;
ansiNames = [ "black" "red" "green" "yellow" "blue" "magenta" "cyan" "white" ];
hex = {
oklch = rec {
# Monokai
black = "#1b1b1b";
blue = "#66d9ef";
gray = "#666666";
green = "#a6e22e";
orange = "#fd971f";
purple = "#ae81ff";
red = "#f92672";
white = "#f8f8f8";
yellow = "#e6db74";
black = { l = 0.22; c = 0.000; h = 0; };
blue = { l = 0.83; c = 0.108; h = 212; };
gray = { l = 0.51; c = 0.000; h = 0; };
green = { l = 0.84; c = 0.204; h = 127; };
orange = { l = 0.77; c = 0.168; h = 62; };
purple = { l = 0.70; c = 0.181; h = 298; };
red = { l = 0.64; c = 0.240; h = 7; };
white = { l = 0.98; c = 0.000; h = 0; };
yellow = { l = 0.88; c = 0.125; h = 103; };
# Extended
orange-red = "#fc5b2d";
teal = "#29e0b4";
orange-red = { l = 0.68; c = 0.205; h = 36; };
teal = { l = 0.81; c = 0.152; h = 171; };
# Derived
alt-blue = "#5ac1d5";
alt-green = "#93c928";
alt-orange = "#e1851a";
alt-orange-red = "#dd4915";
alt-purple = "#9f60ff";
alt-red = "#d71b60";
alt-teal = "#23c7a0";
alt-yellow = "#cdc367";
dark-gray = "#3a3a3a";
dark-orange-red = "#522c21";
dark-orange-red-text-contrast = "#917a74";
dark-purple = "#634994";
dark-red = "#c4265e";
dark-teal = "#134739";
light-gray = "#dddddd";
alt-blue = blue // { l = 0.76; };
alt-green = green // { l = 0.77; c = 0.198; };
alt-orange = orange // { l = 0.70; c = 0.161; };
alt-orange-red = orange-red // { l = 0.61; };
alt-purple = purple // { l = 0.64; };
alt-red = red // { l = 0.57; c = 0.217; };
alt-teal = teal // { l = 0.74; c = 0.144; };
alt-yellow = yellow // { l = 0.81; };
dark-gray = gray // { l = 0.35; };
dark-orange-red = orange-red // { l = 0.34; c = 0.060; };
dark-orange-red-text-contrast = orange-red // { l = 0.60; c = 0.030; };
dark-purple = purple // { l = 0.47; };
dark-red = red // { l = 0.54; c = 0.216; };
dark-teal = teal // { l = 0.36; c = 0.060; };
light-gray = gray // { l = 0.90; };
rec {
inherit hex;
ansi =
base = listToAttrs (imap0 (i: n: nameValuePair n (toString (30 + i))) ansiNames);
@ -53,5 +51,7 @@ rec {
ansiFormat = mapAttrsRecursive (_: a: t: "[${a}m${t}") ansi;
rgb = mapAttrs (_: h: map (c: c / 255.0) (hexToRGB (substring 1 6 h))) hex;
hex = mapAttrs (_: rgbToHex) rgb;
rgb = mapAttrs (_: oklchToRgb) oklch;