diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index 380332b1..064ffc39 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ variables: - if: "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" - if: '($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_APPROVED == "true") || $BUILD_EVERYTHING' # Once MR is approved, test all builds. Or if BUILD_EVERYTHING is set. interruptible: true - image: "registry.gitlab.com/jfowl/conduit-containers/rust-with-tools@sha256:69ab327974aef4cc0daf4273579253bf7ae5e379a6c52729b83137e4caa9d093" + image: "registry.gitlab.com/jfowl/conduit-containers/rust-with-tools:commit-aa74ef11" tags: ["docker"] services: ["docker:dind"] variables: @@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ variables: - "cp -r $CARGO_HOME/bin $SHARED_PATH/cargo" - "cp -r $RUSTUP_HOME $SHARED_PATH" - "export CARGO_HOME=$SHARED_PATH/cargo RUSTUP_HOME=$SHARED_PATH/rustup" - # If provided, bring in caching through sccache, which uses an external S3 endpoint to store compilation results. - - if [ -n "${SCCACHE_ENDPOINT}" ]; then export RUSTC_WRAPPER=/sccache; fi script: # cross-compile conduit for target - 'time cross build --target="$TARGET" --locked --release' @@ -251,8 +249,6 @@ test:cargo: extends: .test-shared-settings before_script: - rustup component add clippy - # If provided, bring in caching through sccache, which uses an external S3 endpoint to store compilation results: - - if [ -n "${SCCACHE_ENDPOINT}" ]; then export RUSTC_WRAPPER=/usr/local/cargo/bin/sccache; fi script: - rustc --version && cargo --version # Print version info for debugging - "cargo test --color always --workspace --verbose --locked --no-fail-fast -- -Z unstable-options --format json | gitlab-report -p test > $CI_PROJECT_DIR/report.xml"