
164 lines
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import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#corrected code by S. James Remington
#required data input file: x,y,z values in .csv (text, comma separated value) format.
class Magnetometer(object):
references :
MField = 1000 #arbitrary norm of magnetic field vectors
def __init__(self, F=MField):
# initialize values
self.F = F
self.b = np.zeros([3, 1])
self.A_1 = np.eye(3)
def run(self):
data = np.loadtxt("cal_m.csv",delimiter=',')
print("shape of data array:",data.shape)
#print("datatype of data:",data.dtype)
print("First 5 rows raw:\n", data[:5])
# ellipsoid fit
s = np.array(data).T
M, n, d = self.__ellipsoid_fit(s)
# calibration parameters
M_1 = linalg.inv(M)
self.b =, n)
self.A_1 = np.real(self.F / np.sqrt(,, n)) - d) * linalg.sqrtm(M))
#print("M:\n", M, "\nn:\n", n, "\nd:\n", d)
#print("M_1:\n",M_1, "\nb:\n", self.b, "\nA_1:\n", self.A_1)
print("\nData normalized to ",self.F)
print("Soft iron transformation matrix:\n",self.A_1)
print("Hard iron bias:\n", self.b)
plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True
#fig = plt.figure()
#ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
#ax.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], data[:,2], marker='o', color='r')
result = []
for row in data:
# subtract the hard iron offset
xm_off = row[0]-self.b[0]
ym_off = row[1]-self.b[1]
zm_off = row[2]-self.b[2]
#multiply by the inverse soft iron offset
xm_cal = xm_off * self.A_1[0,0] + ym_off * self.A_1[0,1] + zm_off * self.A_1[0,2]
ym_cal = xm_off * self.A_1[1,0] + ym_off * self.A_1[1,1] + zm_off * self.A_1[1,2]
zm_cal = xm_off * self.A_1[2,0] + ym_off * self.A_1[2,1] + zm_off * self.A_1[2,2]
result = np.append(result, np.array([xm_cal, ym_cal, zm_cal]) )#, axis=0 )
result = result.reshape(-1, 3)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(result[:,0], result[:,1], result[:,2], marker='o', color='g')
print("First 5 rows calibrated:\n", result[:5])
#save corrected data to file "out.txt"
np.savetxt('out.txt', result, fmt='%f', delimiter=' ,')
print("*************************" )
print("code to paste : " )
print("*************************" )
self.b = np.round(self.b,2)
print("float B[3] = {", self.b[0],",", self.b[1],",", self.b[2],"};")
self.A_1 = np.round(self.A_1,5)
print("float A_inv[3][3] = {")
print("{", self.A_1[0,0],",", self.A_1[0,1],",", self.A_1[0,2], "},")
print("{", self.A_1[1,0],",", self.A_1[1,1],",", self.A_1[2,1], "},")
print("{", self.A_1[2,0],",", self.A_1[2,1],",", self.A_1[2,2], "}};")
def __ellipsoid_fit(self, s):
''' Estimate ellipsoid parameters from a set of points.
s : array_like
The samples (M,N) where M=3 (x,y,z) and N=number of samples.
M, n, d : array_like, array_like, float
The ellipsoid parameters M, n, d.
.. [1] Qingde Li; Griffiths, J.G., "Least squares ellipsoid specific
fitting," in Geometric Modeling and Processing, 2004.
Proceedings, vol., no., pp.335-340, 2004
# D (samples)
D = np.array([s[0]**2., s[1]**2., s[2]**2.,
2.*s[1]*s[2], 2.*s[0]*s[2], 2.*s[0]*s[1],
2.*s[0], 2.*s[1], 2.*s[2], np.ones_like(s[0])])
# S, S_11, S_12, S_21, S_22 (eq. 11)
S =, D.T)
S_11 = S[:6,:6]
S_12 = S[:6,6:]
S_21 = S[6:,:6]
S_22 = S[6:,6:]
# C (Eq. 8, k=4)
C = np.array([[-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, -4, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, -4, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4]])
# v_1 (eq. 15, solution)
E =,
S_11 -,, S_21)))
E_w, E_v = np.linalg.eig(E)
v_1 = E_v[:, np.argmax(E_w)]
if v_1[0] < 0: v_1 = -v_1
# v_2 (eq. 13, solution)
v_2 =, S_21), v_1)
# quadratic-form parameters, parameters h and f swapped as per correction by Roger R on Teslabs page
M = np.array([[v_1[0], v_1[5], v_1[4]],
[v_1[5], v_1[1], v_1[3]],
[v_1[4], v_1[3], v_1[2]]])
n = np.array([[v_2[0]],
d = v_2[3]
return M, n, d
if __name__=='__main__':