package main import "fmt" // for IO and standard library import "os" // for handling the progress bar import "math" // for maths import "unsafe" // for fast inverse square pointers import "math/rand" // for random import "time" // for random func init() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) } // ================ VEC3 CLASS ===================== type Vec3 struct { E [3]float32 } //Basic vector functions func NewVec3(e0, e1, e2 float32) Vec3 { return Vec3{E: [3]float32{e0, e1, e2}} } func (v Vec3) X() float32 { return v.E[0] } // can be executed as v.X() in main func (v Vec3) Y() float32 { return v.E[1] } func (v Vec3) Z() float32 { return v.E[2] } func (v Vec3) Neg() Vec3 { return NewVec3(-v.E[0], -v.E[1], -v.E[2]) } func (v Vec3) Get(i int) float32 { return v.E[i] } func (v *Vec3) Set(i int, val float32) { v.E[i] = val } func (v Vec3) Add(v2 Vec3) Vec3 { return NewVec3(v.E[0]+v2.E[0], v.E[1]+v2.E[1], v.E[2]+v2.E[2]) } func (v Vec3) Mult(t float32) Vec3 { return NewVec3(v.E[0]*t, v.E[1]*t, v.E[2]*t) } func (v Vec3) Div(t float32) Vec3 { if t != 0 { return NewVec3(v.E[0] / t, v.E[1] / t, v.E[2] / t) } return v } func (v Vec3) Length() float32 { return float32(math.Sqrt(float64(v.E[0]*v.E[0] + v.E[1]*v.E[1] + v.E[2]*v.E[2]))) } func (v Vec3) Length_squared() float32 { return v.E[0]*v.E[0] + v.E[1]*v.E[1] + v.E[2]*v.E[2] } // Vector utility functions func (v Vec3) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", v.E[0], v.E[1], v.E[2]) } func (v Vec3) Sub(v2 Vec3) Vec3 { return NewVec3(v.E[0]-v2.E[0], v.E[1]-v2.E[1], v.E[2]-v2.E[2]) } func (v Vec3) MultVec(v2 Vec3) Vec3 { return NewVec3(v.E[0]*v2.E[0], v.E[1]*v2.E[1], v.E[2]*v2.E[2]) } func (v Vec3) DivVec(v2 Vec3) Vec3 { if v2.E[0] != 0 && v2.E[1] != 0 && v2.E[2] != 0 { return NewVec3(v.E[0]/v2.E[0], v.E[1]/v2.E[1], v.E[2]/v2.E[2]) } return v } func Dot(v1 Vec3, v2 Vec3) float32 { return (v1.E[0]*v2.E[0] + v1.E[1]*v2.E[1] + v1.E[2]*v2.E[2]) } func Cross(v1 Vec3, v2 Vec3) Vec3 { return NewVec3(v1.E[1]*v2.E[2] - v1.E[2]*v2.E[1], v1.E[2]*v2.E[0] - v1.E[0]*v2.E[2], v1.E[0]*v2.E[1] - v1.E[1]*v2.E[0]) } func q_rsqrt(v Vec3) float32 { var x float32 = v.E[0]*v.E[0] + v.E[1]*v.E[1] + v.E[2]*v.E[2] i := *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) // evil floating point bit level hacking i = 0x5f3759df - (i >> 1) // what the fuck? y := *(*float32)(unsafe.Pointer(&i)) return y } func Unit_vector(v Vec3) Vec3 { new_v := v.Mult(q_rsqrt(v)) return new_v } func RandomInUnitSphere() Vec3 { for true { p := RandomVec3(-1, 1) if (p.Length_squared() < 1) { return p } } return NewVec3(0,0,0) } func RandomUnitVector() Vec3 { return Unit_vector(RandomInUnitSphere()) } func RandomOnHemisphere(normal Vec3) Vec3 { var on_unit_sphere Vec3 = RandomUnitVector() if (Dot(on_unit_sphere, normal) > 0.0) { return on_unit_sphere } else { return on_unit_sphere.Neg() } } const pi float32 = 3.1415926535897932385 func Degrees_to_radians(degrees float32) float32 { return (degrees * pi) / 180.0 } func RandomDouble() float32 { // Returns a random real in [0,1). return rand.Float32() } func RandomDoubleInRange(min, max float32) float32 { // Returns a random real in [min,max). return min + (max-min)*RandomDouble() } func RandomVec3(borders ...float32) Vec3 { if (len(borders) == 2) { return NewVec3(RandomDoubleInRange(borders[0], borders[1]),RandomDoubleInRange(borders[0], borders[1]),RandomDoubleInRange(borders[0], borders[1])) } else { return NewVec3(RandomDouble(),RandomDouble(),RandomDouble()) } } // ============== COLOUR CLASS ============== func Write_color(v Vec3, samples_per_pixel int) { // Averaging r := v.X() / float32(samples_per_pixel) g := v.Y() / float32(samples_per_pixel) b := v.Z() / float32(samples_per_pixel) // Write the translate [0, 255] value of each color component intensity := NewInterval(0.000, 0.999) fmt.Println(int(intensity.Clamp(r)* 256.0), int(intensity.Clamp(g)* 256.0), int(intensity.Clamp(b)* 256.0)) } func NewColor(e0, e1, e2 float32) Vec3 { return Vec3{E: [3]float32{e0, e1, e2}} } // ============== RAY CLASS ================= func NewPoint3(e0, e1, e2 float32) Vec3 { return Vec3{E: [3]float32{e0, e1, e2}} } type Ray struct { Orig Vec3 Dir Vec3 } func NewRay(orig Vec3, dir Vec3) *Ray { return &Ray{Orig: orig, Dir: dir} } func (r *Ray) Origin() Vec3 { return r.Orig } func (r *Ray) Direction() Vec3 { return r.Dir } func (r *Ray) At(t float32) Vec3 { return Vec3{ E: [3]float32{ r.Orig.X() + t*r.Dir.X(), r.Orig.Y() + t*r.Dir.Y(), r.Orig.Z() + t*r.Dir.Z(), }, } } // =============== INTERVAL ================= type Interval struct { min, max float32 } func NewInterval(borders ...float32) *Interval { if (len(borders) == 2) { return &Interval{ min: borders[0], max: borders[1], } } else { return &Interval{ min: float32(math.Inf(1)), max: float32(math.Inf(-1)), } } } func (i *Interval) Contains(x float32) bool { return i.min <= x && x <= i.max } func (i *Interval) Surrounds(x float32) bool { return i.min < x && x < i.max } func (i *Interval) Clamp(x float32) float32 { if (x < i.min) { return i.min } else if (x > i.max) { return i.max } return x } var Empty *Interval = NewInterval() var Universe *Interval = NewInterval(float32(math.Inf(-1)), float32(math.Inf(1))) // =============== HIT ====================== type Hit_record struct { p Vec3 normal Vec3 t float32 front_face bool } func (rec *Hit_record) Set_face_normal(r *Ray, outward_normal Vec3) { if (Dot(r.Direction(), outward_normal) < 0) { rec.front_face = true } if (rec.front_face) { rec.normal = outward_normal } else { rec.normal = outward_normal.Neg() } } // =============== SPHERE =================== type Sphere struct { center Vec3 radius float32 } func (s Sphere) Hit_sphere(r *Ray, ray_t *Interval, rec *Hit_record) bool { oc := r.Origin().Sub( a := r.Direction().Length_squared() half_b := Dot(oc, r.Direction()) c := oc.Length_squared() - s.radius*s.radius discriminant := half_b*half_b - a*c if (discriminant < 0) { return false } sqrtd := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(discriminant))) // find the nearest root that lies in the acceptable range root := (-half_b - sqrtd) / a if (!ray_t.Surrounds(root)) { root = (sqrtd-half_b) / a if (!ray_t.Surrounds(root)) { return false } } rec.t = root rec.p = r.At(rec.t) outward_normal := rec.p.Sub( rec.Set_face_normal(r, outward_normal) return true } // =============== HITTABLE ================== type Hittable struct { spheres []Sphere } func NewHittable() *Hittable { return &Hittable{} } func (hl *Hittable) Add(s Sphere) { hl.spheres = append(hl.spheres, s) } func (hl *Hittable) Clear() { hl.spheres = []Sphere{} } func (hl Hittable) Hit(r *Ray, ray_t Interval, rec *Hit_record) bool { var temp_rec Hit_record var hit_anything bool = false var closest_so_far float32 = ray_t.max for _, sphere := range hl.spheres { if (sphere.Hit_sphere(r, NewInterval(ray_t.min, closest_so_far), &temp_rec)) { hit_anything = true closest_so_far = temp_rec.t *rec = temp_rec } } return hit_anything } // =============== CAMERA =================== type Camera struct { aspect_ratio float32 image_width int image_height int center Vec3 pixel00_loc Vec3 pixel_delta_u Vec3 pixel_delta_v Vec3 samples_per_pixel int max_depth int } func NewCamera() *Camera { return &Camera{} } func Ray_color(r Ray, depth int, world *Hittable) Vec3 { var rec Hit_record if (depth <= 0) { return NewColor(0,0,0) } if (world.Hit(&r, *NewInterval(0.001, float32(math.Inf(1))), &rec)) { //direction := RandomOnHemisphere(rec.normal) direction := rec.normal.Add(RandomUnitVector()) return Ray_color(*((NewRay(rec.p, direction))), depth-1, world).Mult(0.5) } unit_direction := Unit_vector(r.Direction()) a := (unit_direction.Y() + 1.0)*0.5 return NewColor(1.0,1.0,1.0).Mult(float32(1.0-a)).Add(NewColor(0.5,0.7,1.0).Mult(a)) } func (cam *Camera) Initialize() { // Calculate the image height cam.image_height = int(float32(cam.image_width) / cam.aspect_ratio) if cam.image_height < 1 { cam.image_height = 1 } // Viewport var focal_length float32 = 1.0 var viewport_height float32 = 2.0 var viewport_width float32 = viewport_height * float32(cam.image_width)/float32(cam.image_height) = NewVec3(0,0,0) // Calculate the vectors across the horizontal and down the vertical viewport edges viewport_u := NewVec3(viewport_width, 0, 0) viewport_v := NewVec3(0, -viewport_height, 0) //Calculate the horizontal and vertical delta vectors from pixel to pixel cam.pixel_delta_u = viewport_u.Div(float32(cam.image_width)) cam.pixel_delta_v = viewport_v.Div(float32(cam.image_height)) // Calculate the location of the upper left pixel viewport_upper_left :=, 0, focal_length)).Sub(viewport_u.Div(2)).Sub(viewport_v.Div(2)) cam.pixel00_loc = viewport_upper_left.Add((cam.pixel_delta_u.Add(cam.pixel_delta_v)).Div(2)) } func (cam *Camera) Render(world *Hittable) { cam.Initialize() // Rendering fmt.Println("P3") fmt.Println(cam.image_width, " ", cam.image_height, "\n255") for j := 0; j < cam.image_height; j++ { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\rScanlines remaining: %d ", cam.image_height-j) for i := 0; i < cam.image_width; i++ { pixel_color := NewColor(0,0,0) for sample := 0; sample < cam.samples_per_pixel; sample++ { r := cam.GetRay(i, j) pixel_color = pixel_color.Add(Ray_color(*r, cam.max_depth, world)) } Write_color(pixel_color, cam.samples_per_pixel) } } } func (cam *Camera) GetRay(i, j int) *Ray { // Get a randomly sampled camera ray for the pixel at location i,j pixel_center := cam.pixel00_loc.Add(cam.pixel_delta_u.Mult(float32(i))).Add(cam.pixel_delta_v.Mult(float32(j))) pixel_sample := pixel_center.Add(cam.Pixel_sample_square()) ray_direction := pixel_sample.Sub( return NewRay(, ray_direction) } func (cam *Camera) Pixel_sample_square() Vec3 { // Returns a random point in the square surrounding a pixel at the origin px := -0.5 + RandomDouble() py := -0.5 + RandomDouble() return (cam.pixel_delta_u.Mult(px).Add(cam.pixel_delta_v.Mult(py))) } // =============== MAIN ===================== func main() { // World world := NewHittable() world.Add(Sphere{ center: NewVec3(0, 0, -1), radius: 0.5, }) world.Add(Sphere{ center: NewVec3(0, -100.5, -1), radius: 100, }) // Image cam := NewCamera() cam.aspect_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0 cam.image_width = 400 cam.samples_per_pixel = 100 cam.max_depth = 50 cam.Render(world) // INFO: The pixels are written out in rows. // Image file can be created with // go run main.go > image.ppm }