2024-07-05 21:38:40 +02:00

192 lines
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#include "streamlinemapper.h"
#include <iostream>
std::cout << "StreamlineMapper constructor called" << std::endl;
StreamlineMapper::~StreamlineMapper() {
std::cout << "StreamlineMapper destructor called" << std::endl;
void StreamlineMapper::getData(float *cube, int x, int y, int z) {
// Sets up the variables we will be working with
source = cube;
xs = x;
ys = y;
zs = z;
void StreamlineMapper::setValues(int seeds, int interpolation_length) {
// Sets up the seed point variables
num_steps = interpolation_length;
num_seeds = seeds;
float StreamlineMapper::bilinearInterpolation(float x_i, float y_i, int z_slice, int i) {
// We first implement bilinear interpolation, because the n-D expasion is then easier
// Check lecture and wikipedia for implementation idea
if (x_i > 1 or x_i < 0 or y_i > 1 or y_i < 0) {
//std::cout << "ERROR: Value outside of the valid range!" << std::endl;
return 1.0;
int x = x_i * (xs-1); //This is my simple trick to determine the index to the lower left of the point
int y = y_i * (ys-1);
int y_shift = xs;
int z_shift = z_slice*xs*ys + xs*y;
float xd = (x_i-x)/(xs-1);
float yd = (y_i-y)/(ys-1);
float new_x1 = (1-xd) * source[3*(x+z_shift)+i] + xd * source[3*(x+1+z_shift)+i]; //lower part of the rectangle
float new_x2 = (1-xd) * source[3*(x+y_shift+z_shift)+i] + xd * source[3*(x+1+y_shift+z_shift)+i]; // aaaand the upper part
// Tested on a small example on an online compiler
return (1-yd) * new_x1 + yd * new_x2;
float StreamlineMapper::trilinearInterpolation(float x_i, float y_i, float z_i, int i) {
// Neat trick allows us to simplify the trilinear interpolation
// We only need two bilinear interpolations
if (x_i > 1 or x_i < 0 or z_i > 1 or z_i < 0 or y_i > 1 or y_i < 0) {
//std::cout << "ERROR: Value outside of the valid range!" << std::endl;
return 1.0;
int z = z_i * (zs-1);
float zd = (z_i-z)/(zs-1);
float cLower = bilinearInterpolation(x_i, y_i, z, i);
float cUpper = bilinearInterpolation(x_i, y_i, z+1, i);
return (1-zd) * cLower + zd * cUpper; // analogous to bilinear interpolation, but we do it between two planes
QVector3D StreamlineMapper::euler2D(QVector3D coordinate, float deltaT) {
// Check definition in the lectures, the 2D version simply ignores the z-component
float v_x = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 0);
float v_y = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 1);
coordinate = coordinate + QVector3D(v_x, v_y, 0)*deltaT;
return coordinate;
QVector3D StreamlineMapper::euler3D(QVector3D coordinate, float deltaT) {
float v_x = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 0);
float v_y = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 1);
float v_z = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 2);
coordinate = coordinate + QVector3D(v_x, v_y, v_z)*deltaT;
return coordinate;
QVector3D StreamlineMapper::rungeKutta2D(QVector3D coordinate, float deltaT) {
// Check definition in the lectures, the 2D version simply ignores the z-component
// Parts of rungeKutta will exit the unitcube and that's OK, because I implemented
// bilinear and trilinear interpolations so that they return 1.0 when exiting the cube
// Should rungeKutta thus leave the cube, the final coordinate will be discarded
float v_x = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 0);
float v_y = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 1);
QVector3D k1 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, 0) * deltaT;
QVector3D xNew = coordinate + (k1/2);
v_x = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 0);
v_y = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 1);
QVector3D k2 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, 0) * deltaT;
xNew = coordinate + (k2/2);
v_x = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 0);
v_y = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 1);
QVector3D k3 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, 0) * deltaT;
xNew = coordinate + k3;
v_x = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 0);
v_y = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 1);
QVector3D k4 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, 0) * deltaT;
coordinate = coordinate + (k1/6) + (k2/3) + (k3/3) + (k4/6);
return coordinate;
QVector3D StreamlineMapper::rungeKutta3D(QVector3D coordinate, float deltaT) {
float v_x = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 0);
float v_y = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.y(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 1);
float v_z = trilinearInterpolation(coordinate.z(), coordinate.y(), coordinate.z(), 2);
QVector3D k1 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, v_z) * deltaT;
QVector3D xNew = coordinate + (k1/2);
v_x = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 0);
v_y = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 1);
v_z = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 2);
QVector3D k2 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, v_z) * deltaT;
xNew = coordinate + (k2/2);
v_x = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 0);
v_y = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 1);
v_z = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 2);
QVector3D k3 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, v_z) * deltaT;
xNew = coordinate + k3;
v_x = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 0);
v_y = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 1);
v_z = trilinearInterpolation(xNew.x(),xNew.y(),xNew.z(), 2);
QVector3D k4 = QVector3D(v_x, v_y, v_z) * deltaT;
coordinate = coordinate + (k1/6) + (k2/3) + (k3/3) + (k4/6);
return coordinate;
int StreamlineMapper::get_num_seeds() {
// speeds everything up by allowing the renderer to obtain
// the number of seed points directly from the mapper
// makes the opengldisplaywidget.cpp file simpler
return num_seeds;
QVector<QVector<QVector3D>> StreamlineMapper::computeStreamlines() {
// The idea is to take a seed point (or many) and then iterate through the points
// with a certain procedure (euler3D/rungeKutta3D) and then terminate the streamline
// when it exists the unit cube OR when it reaches the maximum number of steps
// Note that the length of every streamline is NOT the same, hence why I pass
// QVector<QVector<QVector3D>> and not just a single QVector<QVector3D>
QVector<QVector<QVector3D>> vectors; // We store all of our points in a dynamic array as Vector3Ds
// Reminder that we had to debug A LOT:
QVector3D vector1 = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Vector 1 and 2 will then be connected as a line (using GL_LINES)
QVector3D vector2 = QVector3D(.0005;
for (int i = 0; i < num_seeds; i++) {
seed_point = QVector3D(0.2,0.2, 0.1*i);
container << seed_point;
for (int j = 0; j < num_st1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vectors << vector1 << vector2; */
QVector3D seed_point;
QVector<QVector3D> container;
//vectors << seed_point;
float dT = 0.2;
for (int i = 0; i < num_seeds; i++) {
//seed_point = QVector3D(0.2*(i%5) +0.01, 0.2*(i/5 % 5) +0.01, 0.2 * (i/25) +0.01);
seed_point = QVector3D(0.1*(i%10) +0.01, 0.1*(i/10 % 10) +0.01, 0.1 * (i/100) +0.01);
container << seed_point;
for (int j = 0; j < num_steps-1; j++) {
seed_point = euler3D(seed_point, dT);
if (seed_point.x() < 0 or seed_point.x() > 1 or seed_point.y() < 0 or seed_point.y() > 1 or seed_point.z() < 0 or seed_point.z() > 1) {
container << seed_point;
vectors << container;
return vectors;