.TH SPAMASSASSIN-MILTER 8 2023-01-29 "SpamAssassin Milter 0.4.0" .SH NAME spamassassin-milter \- milter for spam filtering with SpamAssassin .SH SYNOPSIS .SY spamassassin-milter .OP \-a .OP \-B .OP \-C CODE .OP \-H .OP \-n .OP \-R MSG .OP \-r .OP \-S CODE .OP \-s BYTES .OP \-t NETS .OP \-v .I SOCKET .RB [ \-\- ] .RI [ SPAMC_ARGS ...] .YS .SH DESCRIPTION .B spamassassin-milter is a milter that filters email through SpamAssassin server using the .B spamc client. It reads the response from SpamAssassin and adds its diagnostic .B X-Spam- headers to the message, and can optionally apply header and body rewriting to messages flagged as spam, or reject such messages at the SMTP level. A message “flagged as spam” is a message with a header .BR "X-Spam-Flag: YES" . .PP The mandatory .I SOCKET argument specifies the listening socket to open. .I SOCKET can be either an IPv4/IPv6 TCP socket in the form .BI inet: HOST : PORT (for example, .BR inet:localhost:3000 ) or a UNIX domain socket in the form .BI unix: PATH (for example, .BR unix:/run/spamassassin-milter.sock ). After the options and argument, the remaining arguments .I SPAMC_ARGS (optionally preceded by .BR \-\- ) are gathered as arguments to pass to the .B spamc invocation. .B spamassassin-milter uses sensible defaults and if run with no options, will apply modifications received from SpamAssassin server. .PP .B spamassassin-milter is a light-weight integration component, enabling use of SpamAssassin with a milter-capable MTA. Users are advised to familiarize themselves with the setup and configuration options of the components involved, namely, the SpamAssassin programs .B spamd (SpamAssassin server) and .BR spamc , and the MTA (usually Postfix). .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-a ", " \-\-auth-untrusted Treat authenticated senders as untrusted. If this option is not used, authenticated senders are trusted, and their messages are not processed with SpamAssassin. .TP .BR \-n ", " \-\-dry-run Process messages normally, but do not take action or apply any modifications. Combined with .BR \-\-verbose , this gives insight into what would happen if run without .BR \-\-dry-run . .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Print usage information. .TP .BR \-s " \fIBYTES\fR, " \-\-max-message-size " \fIBYTES\fR" Maximum message size in bytes to pass to .BR spamc . .I BYTES should be equal to the max size configured for .B spamc (option .BR \-\-max-size ); these two settings are designed to be in sync. Messages with a size exceeding the maximum message size are not processed with SpamAssassin. Defaults to the .B spamc default, .BR 512000 . .TP .BR \-B ", " \-\-preserve-body Suppress rewriting of spam message body. If this option is not used, the message body of messages flagged as spam is replaced with the body received from SpamAssassin (as are the values of related headers .B MIME-Version and .BR Content-Type , if necessary). .TP .BR \-H ", " \-\-preserve-headers Suppress rewriting of headers .BR Subject , .BR From , and .B To of spam messages. If this option is not used, these headers of messages flagged as spam will have their values replaced with the values received from SpamAssassin, if necessary. .TP .BR \-r ", " \-\-reject-spam Reject messages flagged as spam at the SMTP level. Rejection results in a permanent or transient SMTP error reply being returned to the client, and the message is not delivered. .TP .BR \-C " \fICODE\fR, " \-\-reply-code " \fICODE\fR" Reply with SMTP reply code .I CODE when rejecting a message flagged as spam. .I CODE must be either a permanent (5XX) or transient (4XX) error reply code, and must agree in the first digit with the enhanced status code .RB ( \-\-reply-status-code ). The default reply code is 550. .TP .BR \-S " \fICODE\fR, " \-\-reply-status-code " \fICODE\fR" Reply with enhanced status code .I CODE when rejecting a message flagged as spam. .I CODE must be an enhanced status code per RFC 3463, indicating either permanent (5.X.X) or transient (4.X.X) failure, and must agree in the first digit with the SMTP reply code .RB ( \-\-reply-code ). The default enhanced status code is 5.7.1. .TP .BR \-R " \fIMSG\fR, " \-\-reply-text " \fIMSG\fR" Reply with SMTP reply text .I MSG when rejecting a message flagged as spam. For multiline replies, use an ASCII newline character as the line separator. The default reply text is “Spam message refused”. .TP .BR \-t " \fINETS\fR, " \-\-trusted-networks " \fINETS\fR" Trust connections coming from the IP networks or addresses .IR NETS . Connections from IP addresses contained in trusted networks are not processed with SpamAssassin. .I NETS must be a comma-separated list of IP network addresses, for example, .BR ::1/128,, . If .I NETS is empty, no IP addresses are trusted. This option may be given multiple times. If this option is not used, all connections from loopback addresses are trusted. .TP .BR \-v ", " \-\-verbose Enable verbose operation logging. If this option is not used, only unexpected error conditions are logged (that is, printed to standard error). .TP .BR \-V ", " \-\-version Print version information. .SH SEE ALSO .BR spamassassin (1), .BR spamc (1), .BR Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf (3), .BR spamd (8)