-- Message body chunks are written to `spamc` until the maximum message size is -- reached, the rest is skipped (oversized messages are not processed by -- SpamAssassin, so it is futile to send the whole message in this case). local conn = mt.connect("inet:" .. port .. "@") assert(conn, "could not open connection") local err = mt.conninfo(conn, "client.gluet.ch", "") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.helo(conn, "mail.gluet.ch") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.mailfrom(conn, "from@gluet.ch") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.rcptto(conn, "to@gluet.ch") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) SMFIC_DATA = string.byte("T") -- SMFIC_DATA not exported by miltertest local err = mt.macro(conn, SMFIC_DATA, "i", "1234567ABC", "j", "localhost", "_", "client.gluet.ch []", "{tls_version}", "TLSv1.2", "v", "Postfix 3.3.0") assert(err == nil, err) local err = mt.data(conn) assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.header(conn, "From", "from@gluet.ch") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.header(conn, "To", "to@gluet.ch") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.header(conn, "Subject", "Test message") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.header(conn, "Message-ID", string.format("<%06d@gluet.ch>", math.random(999999))) assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.header(conn, "Date", os.date("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")) assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.eoh(conn) assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) -- At this point still below the size limit … local err = mt.bodystring(conn, "Test message body") assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) -- … after sending the following, we’re past the limit and skip. local err = mt.bodystring(conn, [[ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ]]) assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_SKIP) local err = mt.eom(conn) assert(err == nil, err) assert(mt.getreply(conn) == SMFIR_CONTINUE) local err = mt.disconnect(conn) assert(err == nil, err)