import unittest import unit class TestUnitConfiguration(unit.TestUnitControl): def setUpClass(): unit.TestUnit().check_modules('python') def test_json_leading_zero(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf('00'), 'leading zero') def test_json_unicode(self): self.assertIn('success', self.conf(b""" { "ap\u0070": { "type": "\u0070ython", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "\u002Fapp", "module": "wsgi" } } """, '/applications'), 'unicode') self.assertDictEqual(self.conf_get('/applications'), { "app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } }, 'unicode get') def test_json_unicode_2(self): self.assertIn('success', self.conf({ "приложение": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } }, '/applications'), 'unicode 2') self.assertIn('приложение', self.conf_get('/applications'), 'unicode 2 get') def test_json_unicode_number(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf(b""" { "app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": \u0030 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } """, '/applications'), 'unicode number') def test_applications_open_brace(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf('{', '/applications'), 'open brace') def test_applications_string(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf('"{}"', '/applications'), 'string') def test_applications_type_only(self): self.skip_alerts.extend([ r'python module is empty', r'failed to apply new conf', r'process \d+ exited on signal' ]) self.assertIn('error', self.conf({ "app": { "type": "python" } }, '/applications'), 'type only') def test_applications_miss_quote(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf(""" { app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } """, '/applications'), 'miss quote') def test_applications_miss_colon(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf(""" { "app" { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } """, '/applications'), 'miss colon') def test_applications_miss_comma(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf(""" { "app": { "type": "python" "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } """, '/applications'), 'miss comma') def test_applications_skip_spaces(self): self.assertIn('success', self.conf(b'{ \n\r\t}', '/applications'), 'skip spaces') def test_applications_relative_path(self): self.assertIn('success', self.conf({ "app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "../app", "module": "wsgi" } }, '/applications'), 'relative path') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_listeners_empty(self): self.skip_sanitizer = True self.skip_alerts.extend([ r'failed to apply previous configuration', r'sendmsg.+failed', r'process \d+ exited on signal' ]) self.assertIn('error', self.conf({"*:7080":{}}, '/listeners'), 'listener empty') def test_listeners_no_app(self): self.assertIn('error', self.conf({"*:7080":{"application":"app"}}, '/listeners'), 'listeners no app') def test_listeners_wildcard(self): self.assertIn('success', self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application":"app" } }, "applications": { "app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } }), 'listeners wildcard') def test_listeners_explicit(self): self.assertIn('success', self.conf({ "listeners": { "": { "application":"app" } }, "applications": { "app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } }), 'explicit') def test_listeners_explicit_ipv6(self): self.assertIn('success', self.conf({ "listeners": { "[::1]:7080": { "application":"app" } }, "applications": { "app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } }), 'explicit ipv6') def test_listeners_no_port(self): self.skip_alerts.extend([ r'invalid listener "127\.0\.0\.1"', r'failed to apply new conf', r'process \d+ exited on signal' ]) self.assertIn('error', self.conf({ "listeners": { "": { "application":"app" } }, "applications": { "app": { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": "/app", "module": "wsgi" } } }), 'no port') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()