Andrei Zeliankou c183bd8749 Tests: get rid of classes in test files.
Class usage came from the unittest framework and it was always redundant
after migration to the pytest.  This commit removes classes from files
containing tests to make them more readable and understandable.
2023-06-14 18:20:09 +01:00

2008 lines
63 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest
from unit.applications.lang.python import ApplicationPython
from unit.option import option
prerequisites = {'modules': {'python': 'any'}}
client = ApplicationPython()
def setup_method_fixture():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "routes"}},
"routes": [
"match": {"method": "GET"},
"action": {"return": 200},
"applications": {},
), 'routing configure'
def route(route):
return client.conf([route], 'routes')
def route_match(match):
assert 'success' in route(
{"match": match, "action": {"return": 200}}
), 'route match configure'
def route_match_invalid(match):
assert 'error' in route(
{"match": match, "action": {"return": 200}}
), 'route match configure invalid'
def host(host, status):
assert (
client.get(headers={'Host': host, 'Connection': 'close'})['status']
== status
), 'match host'
def cookie(cookie, status):
assert (
'Host': 'localhost',
'Cookie': cookie,
'Connection': 'close',
== status
), 'match cookie'
def test_routes_match_method_positive():
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'POST'
def test_routes_match_method_positive_many():
route_match({"method": ["GET", "POST"]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'POST'
assert client.delete()['status'] == 404, 'DELETE'
def test_routes_match_method_negative():
route_match({"method": "!GET"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'POST'
def test_routes_match_method_negative_many():
route_match({"method": ["!GET", "!POST"]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'POST'
assert client.delete()['status'] == 200, 'DELETE'
def test_routes_match_method_wildcard_left():
route_match({"method": "*ET"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'POST'
def test_routes_match_method_wildcard_right():
route_match({"method": "GE*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'POST'
def test_routes_match_method_wildcard_left_right():
route_match({"method": "*GET*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'POST'
def test_routes_match_method_wildcard():
route_match({"method": "*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
def test_routes_match_invalid():
route_match_invalid({"method": "**"})
def test_routes_match_valid():
route_match({"method": "blah*"})
route_match({"host": "*blah*blah"})
route_match({"host": "blah*blah*blah"})
route_match({"host": "blah*blah*"})
def test_routes_match_empty_exact():
route_match({"uri": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404
route_match({"uri": "/"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 404
def test_routes_match_negative():
route_match({"uri": "!"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200
route_match({"uri": "!*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404
route_match({"uri": "!/"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200
route_match({"uri": "!*blah"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/bla')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/blah1')['status'] == 200
route_match({"uri": "!/blah*1*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/blah1')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/blah12')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/blah2')['status'] == 200
def test_routes_match_wildcard_middle():
route_match({"host": "ex*le"})
host('example', 200)
host('www.example', 404)
host('example.com', 404)
host('exampl', 404)
def test_routes_match_method_case_insensitive():
route_match({"method": "get"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_left_case_insensitive():
route_match({"method": "*get"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
route_match({"method": "*et"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_middle_case_insensitive():
route_match({"method": "g*t"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_right_case_insensitive():
route_match({"method": "get*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
route_match({"method": "ge*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_substring_case_insensitive():
route_match({"method": "*et*"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'GET'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_left_case_sensitive():
route_match({"uri": "*blah"})
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/BLAH')['status'] == 404, '/BLAH'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_middle_case_sensitive():
route_match({"uri": "/b*h"})
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/BLAH')['status'] == 404, '/BLAH'
def test_route_match_wildcards_ordered():
route_match({"uri": "/a*x*y*"})
assert client.get(url='/axy')['status'] == 200, '/axy'
assert client.get(url='/ayx')['status'] == 404, '/ayx'
def test_route_match_wildcards_adjust_start():
route_match({"uri": "/bla*bla*"})
assert client.get(url='/bla_foo')['status'] == 404, '/bla_foo'
def test_route_match_wildcards_adjust_start_substr():
route_match({"uri": "*bla*bla*"})
assert client.get(url='/bla_foo')['status'] == 404, '/bla_foo'
def test_route_match_wildcards_adjust_end():
route_match({"uri": "/bla*bla"})
assert client.get(url='/foo_bla')['status'] == 404, '/foo_bla'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_right_case_sensitive():
route_match({"uri": "/bla*"})
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/BLAH')['status'] == 404, '/BLAH'
def test_routes_match_wildcard_substring_case_sensitive():
route_match({"uri": "*bla*"})
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/BLAH')['status'] == 404, '/BLAH'
def test_routes_match_many_wildcard_substrings_case_sensitive():
route_match({"uri": "*a*B*c*"})
assert client.get(url='/blah-a-B-c-blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/a-B-c')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/aBc')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/aBCaBbc')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/ABc')['status'] == 404
def test_routes_empty_regex(require):
require({'modules': {'regex': True}})
route_match({"uri": "~"})
assert client.get(url='/')['status'] == 200, 'empty regexp'
assert client.get(url='/anything')['status'] == 200, '/anything'
route_match({"uri": "!~"})
assert client.get(url='/')['status'] == 404, 'empty regexp 2'
assert client.get(url='/nothing')['status'] == 404, '/nothing'
def test_routes_bad_regex(require):
require({'modules': {'regex': True}})
assert 'error' in route(
{"match": {"uri": "~/bl[ah"}, "action": {"return": 200}}
), 'bad regex'
status = route({"match": {"uri": "~(?R)?z"}, "action": {"return": 200}})
if 'error' not in status:
assert client.get(url='/nothing_z')['status'] == 500, '/nothing_z'
status = route({"match": {"uri": "~((?1)?z)"}, "action": {"return": 200}})
if 'error' not in status:
assert client.get(url='/nothing_z')['status'] == 500, '/nothing_z'
def test_routes_match_regex_case_sensitive(require):
require({'modules': {'regex': True}})
route_match({"uri": "~/bl[ah]"})
assert client.get(url='/rlah')['status'] == 404, '/rlah'
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/blh')['status'] == 200, '/blh'
assert client.get(url='/BLAH')['status'] == 404, '/BLAH'
def test_routes_match_regex_negative_case_sensitive(require):
require({'modules': {'regex': True}})
route_match({"uri": "!~/bl[ah]"})
assert client.get(url='/rlah')['status'] == 200, '/rlah'
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 404, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/blh')['status'] == 404, '/blh'
assert client.get(url='/BLAH')['status'] == 200, '/BLAH'
def test_routes_pass_encode():
python_dir = f'{option.test_dir}/python'
def check_pass(path, name):
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": f'applications/{path}'}},
"applications": {
name: {
"type": client.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"path": f'{python_dir}/empty',
"working_directory": f'{python_dir}/empty',
"module": "wsgi",
assert client.get()['status'] == 200
check_pass("%25", "%")
check_pass("blah%2Fblah", "blah/blah")
check_pass("%2Fblah%2F%2Fblah%2F", "/blah//blah/")
check_pass("%20blah%252Fblah%7E", " blah%2Fblah~")
def check_pass_error(path, name):
assert 'error' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": f'applications/{path}'}},
"applications": {
name: {
"type": client.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"path": f'{python_dir}/empty',
"working_directory": f'{python_dir}/empty',
"module": "wsgi",
check_pass_error("%", "%")
check_pass_error("%1", "%1")
def test_routes_absent():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7081": {"pass": "applications/empty"}},
"applications": {
"empty": {
"type": client.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"path": f'{option.test_dir}/python/empty',
"working_directory": f'{option.test_dir}/python/empty',
"module": "wsgi",
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 200, 'routes absent'
def test_routes_pass_invalid():
assert 'error' in client.conf(
{"pass": "routes/blah"}, 'listeners/*:7080'
), 'routes invalid'
def test_route_empty():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "routes/main"}},
"routes": {"main": []},
"applications": {},
), 'route empty configure'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'route empty'
def test_routes_route_empty():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
{}, 'listeners'
), 'routes empty listeners configure'
assert 'success' in client.conf({}, 'routes'), 'routes empty configure'
def test_routes_route_match_absent():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"return": 200}}], 'routes'
), 'route match absent configure'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'route match absent'
def test_routes_route_action_absent(skip_alert):
skip_alert(r'failed to apply new conf')
assert 'error' in client.conf(
[{"match": {"method": "GET"}}], 'routes'
), 'route pass absent configure'
def test_routes_route_pass():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"applications": {
"app": {
"type": client.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"path": "/app",
"module": "wsgi",
"upstreams": {
"one": {
"servers": {
"": {},
"": {},
"two": {
"servers": {
"": {},
"": {},
assert 'success' in client.conf([{"action": {"pass": "routes"}}], 'routes')
assert 'success' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"pass": "applications/app"}}], 'routes'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"pass": "upstreams/one"}}], 'routes'
def test_routes_route_pass_absent():
assert 'error' in client.conf(
[{"match": {"method": "GET"}, "action": {}}], 'routes'
), 'route pass absent configure'
def test_routes_route_pass_invalid():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"applications": {
"app": {
"type": client.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"path": "/app",
"module": "wsgi",
"upstreams": {
"one": {
"servers": {
"": {},
"": {},
"two": {
"servers": {
"": {},
"": {},
assert 'error' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"pass": "blah"}}], 'routes'
), 'route pass invalid'
assert 'error' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"pass": "routes/blah"}}], 'routes'
), 'route pass routes invalid'
assert 'error' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"pass": "applications/blah"}}], 'routes'
), 'route pass applications invalid'
assert 'error' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"pass": "upstreams/blah"}}], 'routes'
), 'route pass upstreams invalid'
def test_routes_action_unique(temp_dir):
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {
"*:7080": {"pass": "routes"},
"*:7081": {"pass": "applications/app"},
"routes": [{"action": {"proxy": ""}}],
"applications": {
"app": {
"type": client.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"path": "/app",
"module": "wsgi",
assert 'error' in client.conf(
{"proxy": "", "share": temp_dir},
), 'proxy share'
assert 'error' in client.conf(
"proxy": "",
"pass": "applications/app",
), 'proxy pass'
assert 'error' in client.conf(
{"share": temp_dir, "pass": "applications/app"},
), 'share pass'
def test_routes_rules_two():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
{"match": {"method": "GET"}, "action": {"return": 200}},
{"match": {"method": "POST"}, "action": {"return": 201}},
), 'rules two configure'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'rules two match first'
assert client.post()['status'] == 201, 'rules two match second'
def test_routes_two():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "routes/first"}},
"routes": {
"first": [
"match": {"method": "GET"},
"action": {"pass": "routes/second"},
"second": [
"match": {"host": "localhost"},
"action": {"return": 200},
"applications": {},
), 'routes two configure'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'routes two'
def test_routes_match_host_positive():
route_match({"host": "localhost"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'localhost'
host('localhost.', 200)
host('localhost.', 200)
host('.localhost', 404)
host('www.localhost', 404)
host('localhost1', 404)
@pytest.mark.skip('not yet')
def test_routes_match_host_absent():
route_match({"host": "localhost"})
assert (
client.get(headers={'Connection': 'close'})['status'] == 400
), 'match host absent'
def test_routes_match_host_ipv4():
route_match({"host": ""})
host('', 200)
host('', 200)
def test_routes_match_host_ipv6():
route_match({"host": "[::1]"})
host('[::1]', 200)
host('[::1]:7080', 200)
def test_routes_match_host_positive_many():
route_match({"host": ["localhost", "example.com"]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'localhost'
host('example.com', 200)
def test_routes_match_host_positive_and_negative():
route_match({"host": ["*example.com", "!www.example.com"]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'localhost'
host('example.com', 200)
host('www.example.com', 404)
host('!www.example.com', 200)
def test_routes_match_host_positive_and_negative_wildcard():
route_match({"host": ["*example*", "!www.example*"]})
host('example.com', 200)
host('www.example.com', 404)
def test_routes_match_host_case_insensitive():
route_match({"host": "Example.com"})
host('example.com', 200)
host('EXAMPLE.COM', 200)
def test_routes_match_host_port():
route_match({"host": "example.com"})
host('example.com:7080', 200)
def test_routes_match_host_empty():
route_match({"host": ""})
host('', 200)
assert (
client.get(http_10=True, headers={})['status'] == 200
), 'match host empty 2'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'match host empty 3'
def test_routes_match_uri_positive():
route_match({"uri": ["/blah", "/slash/"]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, '/'
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/blah#foo')['status'] == 200, '/blah#foo'
assert client.get(url='/blah?var')['status'] == 200, '/blah?var'
assert client.get(url='//blah')['status'] == 200, '//blah'
assert client.get(url='/slash/foo/../')['status'] == 200, 'relative'
assert client.get(url='/slash/./')['status'] == 200, '/slash/./'
assert client.get(url='/slash//.//')['status'] == 200, 'adjacent slashes'
assert client.get(url='/%')['status'] == 400, 'percent'
assert client.get(url='/%1')['status'] == 400, 'percent digit'
assert client.get(url='/%A')['status'] == 400, 'percent letter'
assert client.get(url='/slash/.?args')['status'] == 200, 'dot args'
assert client.get(url='/slash/.#frag')['status'] == 200, 'dot frag'
assert client.get(url='/slash/foo/..?args')['status'] == 200, 'dot dot args'
assert client.get(url='/slash/foo/..#frag')['status'] == 200, 'dot dot frag'
assert client.get(url='/slash/.')['status'] == 200, 'trailing dot'
assert client.get(url='/slash/foo/..')['status'] == 200, 'trailing dot dot'
def test_routes_match_uri_case_sensitive():
route_match({"uri": "/BLAH"})
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 404, '/blah'
assert client.get(url='/BlaH')['status'] == 404, '/BlaH'
assert client.get(url='/BLAH')['status'] == 200, '/BLAH'
def test_routes_match_uri_normalize():
route_match({"uri": "/blah"})
assert client.get(url='/%62%6c%61%68')['status'] == 200, 'normalize'
def test_routes_match_empty_array():
route_match({"uri": []})
assert client.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 200, 'empty array'
def test_routes_reconfigure():
assert 'success' in client.conf([], 'routes'), 'redefine'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'redefine request'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
[{"action": {"return": 200}}], 'routes'
), 'redefine 2'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'redefine request 2'
assert 'success' in client.conf([], 'routes'), 'redefine 3'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'redefine request 3'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "routes/main"}},
"routes": {"main": [{"action": {"return": 200}}]},
"applications": {},
), 'redefine 4'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'redefine request 4'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete('routes/main/0'), 'redefine 5'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'redefine request 5'
assert 'success' in client.conf_post(
{"action": {"return": 200}}, 'routes/main'
), 'redefine 6'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'redefine request 6'
assert 'error' in client.conf(
{"action": {"return": 200}}, 'routes/main/2'
), 'redefine 7'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
{"action": {"return": 201}}, 'routes/main/1'
), 'redefine 8'
assert len(client.conf_get('routes/main')) == 2, 'redefine conf 8'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'redefine request 8'
def test_routes_edit():
route_match({"method": "GET"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'routes edit GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'routes edit POST'
assert 'success' in client.conf_post(
{"match": {"method": "POST"}, "action": {"return": 200}},
), 'routes edit configure 2'
assert 'GET' == client.conf_get(
), 'routes edit configure 2 check'
assert 'POST' == client.conf_get(
), 'routes edit configure 2 check 2'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'routes edit GET 2'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'routes edit POST 2'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'routes edit configure 3'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'routes edit GET 3'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'routes edit POST 3'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'routes edit configure invalid'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'routes edit configure invalid 2'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'routes edit configure invalid 3'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'routes edit GET 4'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'routes edit POST 4'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'routes edit configure 5'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'routes edit GET 5'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'routes edit POST 5'
assert 'success' in client.conf_post(
{"match": {"method": "POST"}, "action": {"return": 200}},
), 'routes edit configure 6'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'routes edit GET 6'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'routes edit POST 6'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "routes/main"}},
"routes": {"main": [{"action": {"return": 200}}]},
"applications": {},
), 'route edit configure 7'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'routes edit configure invalid 4'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'routes edit configure invalid 5'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'routes edit GET 7'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'route edit configure 8'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'route edit configure 9'
def test_match_edit(skip_alert):
skip_alert(r'failed to apply new conf')
route_match({"method": ["GET", "POST"]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'match edit POST'
assert client.put()['status'] == 404, 'match edit PUT'
assert 'success' in client.conf_post(
'\"PUT\"', 'routes/0/match/method'
), 'match edit configure 2'
assert ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT'] == client.conf_get(
), 'match edit configure 2 check'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET 2'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'match edit POST 2'
assert client.put()['status'] == 200, 'match edit PUT 2'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match edit configure 3'
assert ['GET', 'PUT'] == client.conf_get(
), 'match edit configure 3 check'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET 3'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'match edit POST 3'
assert client.put()['status'] == 200, 'match edit PUT 3'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match edit configure 4'
assert ['GET'] == client.conf_get(
), 'match edit configure 4 check'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET 4'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'match edit POST 4'
assert client.put()['status'] == 404, 'match edit PUT 4'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match edit configure invalid'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match edit configure invalid 2'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match edit configure invalid 3'
assert ['GET'] == client.conf_get(
), 'match edit configure 5 check'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET 5'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'match edit POST 5'
assert client.put()['status'] == 404, 'match edit PUT 5'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match edit configure 6'
assert [] == client.conf_get(
), 'match edit configure 6 check'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET 6'
assert client.post()['status'] == 200, 'match edit POST 6'
assert client.put()['status'] == 200, 'match edit PUT 6'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
'"GET"', 'routes/0/match/method'
), 'match edit configure 7'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET 7'
assert client.post()['status'] == 404, 'match edit POST 7'
assert client.put()['status'] == 404, 'match edit PUT 7'
assert 'error' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match edit configure invalid 5'
assert 'error' in client.conf(
{}, 'routes/0/action'
), 'match edit configure invalid 6'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
{}, 'routes/0/match'
), 'match edit configure 8'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match edit GET 8'
def test_routes_match_rules():
route_match({"method": "GET", "host": "localhost", "uri": "/"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'routes match rules'
def test_routes_loop():
assert 'success' in route(
{"match": {"uri": "/"}, "action": {"pass": "routes"}}
), 'routes loop configure'
assert client.get()['status'] == 500, 'routes loop'
def test_routes_match_headers():
route_match({"headers": {"host": "localhost"}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'match headers'
host('Localhost', 200)
host('localhost.com', 404)
host('llocalhost', 404)
host('host', 404)
def test_routes_match_headers_multiple():
route_match({"headers": {"host": "localhost", "x-blah": "test"}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'match headers multiple'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": "test",
"Connection": "close",
== 200
), 'match headers multiple 2'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": "",
"Connection": "close",
== 404
), 'match headers multiple 3'
def test_routes_match_headers_multiple_values():
route_match({"headers": {"x-blah": "test"}})
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": ["test", "test", "test"],
"Connection": "close",
== 200
), 'match headers multiple values'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": ["test", "blah", "test"],
"Connection": "close",
== 404
), 'match headers multiple values 2'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": ["test", "", "test"],
"Connection": "close",
== 404
), 'match headers multiple values 3'
def test_routes_match_headers_multiple_rules():
route_match({"headers": {"x-blah": ["test", "blah"]}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'match headers multiple rules'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": "test",
"Connection": "close",
== 200
), 'match headers multiple rules 2'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": "blah",
"Connection": "close",
== 200
), 'match headers multiple rules 3'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": ["test", "blah", "test"],
"Connection": "close",
== 200
), 'match headers multiple rules 4'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"X-blah": ["blah", ""],
"Connection": "close",
== 404
), 'match headers multiple rules 5'
def test_routes_match_headers_case_insensitive():
route_match({"headers": {"X-BLAH": "TEST"}})
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"x-blah": "test",
"Connection": "close",
== 200
), 'match headers case insensitive'
def test_routes_match_headers_invalid():
route_match_invalid({"headers": ["blah"]})
route_match_invalid({"headers": {"foo": ["bar", {}]}})
route_match_invalid({"headers": {"": "blah"}})
def test_routes_match_headers_empty_rule():
route_match({"headers": {"host": ""}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'localhost'
host('', 200)
def test_routes_match_headers_empty():
route_match({"headers": {}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'empty'
route_match({"headers": []})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'empty 2'
def test_routes_match_headers_rule_array_empty():
route_match({"headers": {"blah": []}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'array empty'
assert (
"Host": "localhost",
"blah": "foo",
"Connection": "close",
== 200
), 'match headers rule array empty 2'
def test_routes_match_headers_array():
"headers": [
{"x-header1": "foo*"},
{"x-header2": "bar"},
{"x-header3": ["foo", "bar"]},
{"x-header1": "bar", "x-header4": "foo"},
def check_headers(hds):
hds = dict({"Host": "localhost", "Connection": "close"}, **hds)
assert client.get(headers=hds)['status'] == 200, 'headers array match'
def check_headers_404(hds):
hds = dict({"Host": "localhost", "Connection": "close"}, **hds)
assert (
client.get(headers=hds)['status'] == 404
), 'headers array no match'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'match headers array'
check_headers({"x-header1": "foo123"})
check_headers({"x-header2": "bar"})
check_headers({"x-header3": "bar"})
check_headers_404({"x-header1": "bar"})
check_headers({"x-header1": "bar", "x-header4": "foo"})
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match headers array configure 2'
check_headers_404({"x-header2": "bar"})
check_headers({"x-header3": "foo"})
def test_routes_match_arguments():
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "bar"}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'args'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=bar')['status'] == 200, 'args 2'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=bar1')['status'] == 404, 'args 3'
assert client.get(url='/?1foo=bar')['status'] == 404, 'args 4'
assert client.get(url='/?Foo=bar')['status'] == 404, 'case'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=Bar')['status'] == 404, 'case 2'
def test_routes_match_arguments_chars():
chars = (
" !\"%23$%25%26'()*%2B,-./0123456789:;<%3D>?@"
chars_enc = ""
for h1 in ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"]:
for h2 in [
chars_enc += f'%{h1}{h2}'
chars_enc = chars_enc[:-3]
def check_args(args, query):
route_match({"arguments": args})
assert client.get(url=f'/?{query}')['status'] == 200
check_args({chars: chars}, f'{chars}={chars}')
check_args({chars: chars}, f'{chars}={chars_enc}')
check_args({chars: chars}, f'{chars_enc}={chars}')
check_args({chars: chars}, f'{chars_enc}={chars_enc}')
check_args({chars_enc: chars_enc}, f'{chars}={chars}')
check_args({chars_enc: chars_enc}, f'{chars}={chars_enc}')
check_args({chars_enc: chars_enc}, f'{chars_enc}={chars}')
check_args({chars_enc: chars_enc}, f'{chars_enc}={chars_enc}')
def test_routes_match_arguments_empty():
route_match({"arguments": {}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'arguments empty'
route_match({"arguments": []})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'arguments empty 2'
def test_routes_match_arguments_space():
route_match({"arguments": {"+fo o%20": "%20b+a r"}})
assert client.get(url='/? fo o = b a r&')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?+fo+o+=+b+a+r&')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%20fo%20o%20=%20b%20a%20r&')['status'] == 200
route_match({"arguments": {"%20foo": " bar"}})
assert client.get(url='/? foo= bar')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?+foo=+bar')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%20foo=%20bar')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?+foo= bar')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%20foo=+bar')['status'] == 200
def test_routes_match_arguments_equal():
route_match({"arguments": {"=": "="}})
assert client.get(url='/?%3D=%3D')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%3D==')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?===')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?%3D%3D%3D')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?==%3D')['status'] == 404
def test_routes_match_arguments_enc():
route_match({"arguments": {"Ю": "н"}})
assert client.get(url='/?%D0%AE=%D0%BD')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%d0%ae=%d0%Bd')['status'] == 200
def test_routes_match_arguments_hash():
route_match({"arguments": {"#": "#"}})
assert client.get(url='/?%23=%23')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%23=%23#')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?#=#')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?%23=#')['status'] == 404
def test_routes_match_arguments_wildcard():
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "*"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?blah=foo')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "%25*"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=%xx')['status'] == 200
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "%2A*"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=*xx')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=xx')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "*%2A"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=xx*')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=xx*x')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "1*2"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=12')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=1blah2')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=1%2A2')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=x12')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "bar*", "%25": "%25"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=barxx&%=%')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=barxx&x%=%')['status'] == 404
def test_routes_match_arguments_negative():
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "!"}})
assert client.get(url='/?bar')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo=')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo=%25')['status'] == 200
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "!*"}})
assert client.get(url='/?bar')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo=')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo=blah')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "!%25"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=%')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "%21blah"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=%21blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=!blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=bar')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "!!%21*a"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=!blah')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=!!a')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo=!!bla')['status'] == 404
def test_routes_match_arguments_percent():
route_match({"arguments": {"%25": "%25"}})
assert client.get(url='/?%=%')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%25=%25')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%25=%')['status'] == 200
route_match({"arguments": {"%251": "%252"}})
assert client.get(url='/?%1=%2')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%251=%252')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%251=%2')['status'] == 200
route_match({"arguments": {"%25%21%251": "%25%24%252"}})
assert client.get(url='/?%!%1=%$%2')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%25!%251=%25$%252')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%25!%1=%$%2')['status'] == 200
def test_routes_match_arguments_ampersand():
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "&"}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=%26')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=%26&')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=%26%26')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo=&')['status'] == 404
route_match({"arguments": {"&": ""}})
assert client.get(url='/?%26=')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%26=&')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?%26=%26')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?&=')['status'] == 404
def test_routes_match_arguments_complex():
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": ""}})
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 200, 'complex'
assert client.get(url='/?blah=blah&foo=')['status'] == 200, 'complex 2'
assert client.get(url='/?&&&foo&&&')['status'] == 200, 'complex 3'
assert client.get(url='/?foo&foo=bar&foo')['status'] == 404, 'complex 4'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=&foo')['status'] == 200, 'complex 5'
assert client.get(url='/?&=&foo&==&')['status'] == 200, 'complex 6'
assert client.get(url='/?&=&bar&==&')['status'] == 404, 'complex 7'
def test_routes_match_arguments_multiple():
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": "bar", "blah": "test"}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'multiple'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=bar&blah=test')['status'] == 200, 'multiple 2'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=bar&blah')['status'] == 404, 'multiple 3'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=bar&blah=tes')['status'] == 404, 'multiple 4'
assert (
client.get(url='/?foo=b%61r&bl%61h=t%65st')['status'] == 200
), 'multiple 5'
def test_routes_match_arguments_multiple_rules():
route_match({"arguments": {"foo": ["bar", "blah"]}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'rules'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=bar')['status'] == 200, 'rules 2'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=blah')['status'] == 200, 'rules 3'
assert (
client.get(url='/?foo=blah&foo=bar&foo=blah')['status'] == 200
), 'rules 4'
assert client.get(url='/?foo=blah&foo=bar&foo=')['status'] == 404, 'rules 5'
def test_routes_match_arguments_array():
"arguments": [
{"var1": "val1*"},
{"var2": "val2"},
{"var3": ["foo", "bar"]},
{"var1": "bar", "var4": "foo"},
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'arr'
assert client.get(url='/?var1=val123')['status'] == 200, 'arr 2'
assert client.get(url='/?var2=val2')['status'] == 200, 'arr 3'
assert client.get(url='/?var3=bar')['status'] == 200, 'arr 4'
assert client.get(url='/?var1=bar')['status'] == 404, 'arr 5'
assert client.get(url='/?var1=bar&var4=foo')['status'] == 200, 'arr 6'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match arguments array configure 2'
assert client.get(url='/?var2=val2')['status'] == 404, 'arr 7'
assert client.get(url='/?var3=foo')['status'] == 200, 'arr 8'
def test_routes_match_arguments_invalid():
route_match_invalid({"arguments": ["var"]})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": [{"var1": {}}]})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"": "bar"}})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"foo": "%"}})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"foo": "%1G"}})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"%": "bar"}})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"foo": "%0"}})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"foo": "%%1F"}})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"%%1F": ""}})
route_match_invalid({"arguments": {"%7%F": ""}})
def test_routes_match_query():
route_match({"query": "!"})
assert client.get(url='/')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?')['status'] == 404
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?foo=baz')['status'] == 200
route_match({"query": "foo=%26"})
assert client.get(url='/?foo=&')['status'] == 200
route_match({"query": "a=b&c=d"})
assert client.get(url='/?a=b&c=d')['status'] == 200
route_match({"query": "a=b%26c%3Dd"})
assert client.get(url='/?a=b%26c%3Dd')['status'] == 200
assert client.get(url='/?a=b&c=d')['status'] == 200
route_match({"query": "a=b%26c%3Dd+e"})
assert client.get(url='/?a=b&c=d e')['status'] == 200
def test_routes_match_query_array():
route_match({"query": ["foo", "bar"]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'no args'
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 200, 'arg first'
assert client.get(url='/?bar')['status'] == 200, 'arg second'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'query array remove second'
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 200, 'still arg first'
assert client.get(url='/?bar')['status'] == 404, 'no arg second'
route_match({"query": ["!f", "foo"]})
assert client.get(url='/?f')['status'] == 404, 'negative arg'
assert client.get(url='/?fo')['status'] == 404, 'negative arg 2'
assert client.get(url='/?foo')['status'] == 200, 'negative arg 3'
route_match({"query": []})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'empty array'
def test_routes_match_query_invalid():
route_match_invalid({"query": [1]})
route_match_invalid({"query": "%"})
route_match_invalid({"query": "%1G"})
route_match_invalid({"query": "%0"})
route_match_invalid({"query": "%%1F"})
route_match_invalid({"query": ["foo", "%3D", "%%1F"]})
def test_routes_match_cookies():
route_match({"cookies": {"foO": "bar"}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'cookie'
cookie('foO=bar', 200)
cookie('foO=bar;1', 200)
cookie(['foO=bar', 'blah=blah'], 200)
cookie('foO=bar; blah=blah', 200)
cookie('Foo=bar', 404)
cookie('foO=Bar', 404)
cookie('foO=bar1', 404)
cookie('1foO=bar;', 404)
def test_routes_match_cookies_empty():
route_match({"cookies": {}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'cookies empty'
route_match({"cookies": []})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'cookies empty 2'
def test_routes_match_cookies_invalid():
route_match_invalid({"cookies": ["var"]})
route_match_invalid({"cookies": [{"foo": {}}]})
def test_routes_match_cookies_complex():
route_match({"cookies": {"foo": "bar=baz"}})
cookie('foo=bar=baz', 200)
cookie(' foo=bar=baz ', 200)
cookie('=foo=bar=baz', 404)
route_match({"cookies": {"foo": ""}})
cookie('foo=', 200)
cookie('foo=;', 200)
cookie(' foo=;', 200)
cookie('foo', 404)
cookie('', 404)
cookie('=', 404)
def test_routes_match_cookies_multiple():
route_match({"cookies": {"foo": "bar", "blah": "blah"}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'multiple'
cookie('foo=bar; blah=blah', 200)
cookie(['foo=bar', 'blah=blah'], 200)
cookie(['foo=bar; blah', 'blah'], 404)
cookie(['foo=bar; blah=test', 'blah=blah'], 404)
def test_routes_match_cookies_multiple_values():
route_match({"cookies": {"blah": "blah"}})
cookie(['blah=blah', 'blah=blah', 'blah=blah'], 200)
cookie(['blah=blah', 'blah=test', 'blah=blah'], 404)
cookie(['blah=blah; blah=', 'blah=blah'], 404)
def test_routes_match_cookies_multiple_rules():
route_match({"cookies": {"blah": ["test", "blah"]}})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'multiple rules'
cookie('blah=test', 200)
cookie('blah=blah', 200)
cookie(['blah=blah', 'blah=test', 'blah=blah'], 200)
cookie(['blah=blah; blah=test', 'blah=blah'], 200)
cookie(['blah=blah', 'blah'], 200) # invalid cookie
def test_routes_match_cookies_array():
"cookies": [
{"var1": "val1*"},
{"var2": "val2"},
{"var3": ["foo", "bar"]},
{"var1": "bar", "var4": "foo"},
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'cookies array'
cookie('var1=val123', 200)
cookie('var2=val2', 200)
cookie(' var2=val2 ', 200)
cookie('var3=bar', 200)
cookie('var3=bar;', 200)
cookie('var1=bar', 404)
cookie('var1=bar; var4=foo;', 200)
cookie(['var1=bar', 'var4=foo'], 200)
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'match cookies array configure 2'
cookie('var2=val2', 404)
cookie('var3=foo', 200)
def test_routes_match_scheme():
route_match({"scheme": "http"})
route_match({"scheme": "https"})
route_match({"scheme": "HtTp"})
route_match({"scheme": "HtTpS"})
def test_routes_match_scheme_invalid():
route_match_invalid({"scheme": ["http"]})
route_match_invalid({"scheme": "ftp"})
route_match_invalid({"scheme": "ws"})
route_match_invalid({"scheme": "*"})
route_match_invalid({"scheme": ""})
def test_routes_source_port():
def sock_port():
sock = client.http(b'', raw=True, no_recv=True)
port = sock.getsockname()[1]
return (sock, port)
sock, port = sock_port()
sock2, _ = sock_port()
route_match({"source": f'{port}'})
assert client.get(sock=sock)['status'] == 200, 'exact'
assert client.get(sock=sock2)['status'] == 404, 'exact 2'
sock, port = sock_port()
sock2, _ = sock_port()
route_match({"source": f'!{port}'})
assert client.get(sock=sock)['status'] == 404, 'negative'
assert client.get(sock=sock2)['status'] == 200, 'negative 2'
sock, port = sock_port()
sock2, _ = sock_port()
route_match({"source": [f'*:{port}', "!"]})
assert client.get(sock=sock)['status'] == 404, 'negative 3'
assert client.get(sock=sock2)['status'] == 404, 'negative 4'
sock, port = sock_port()
sock2, _ = sock_port()
route_match({"source": f'{port}-{port}'})
assert client.get(sock=sock)['status'] == 200, 'range single'
assert client.get(sock=sock2)['status'] == 404, 'range single 2'
socks = [
socks.sort(key=lambda sock: sock[1])
route_match({"source": f'{socks[1][1]}-{socks[3][1]}'})
assert client.get(sock=socks[0][0])['status'] == 404, 'range'
assert client.get(sock=socks[1][0])['status'] == 200, 'range 2'
assert client.get(sock=socks[2][0])['status'] == 200, 'range 3'
assert client.get(sock=socks[3][0])['status'] == 200, 'range 4'
assert client.get(sock=socks[4][0])['status'] == 404, 'range 5'
socks = [
socks.sort(key=lambda sock: sock[1])
"source": [
assert client.get(sock=socks[0][0])['status'] == 200, 'array'
assert client.get(sock=socks[1][0])['status'] == 404, 'array 2'
assert client.get(sock=socks[2][0])['status'] == 200, 'array 3'
def test_routes_source_addr():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"*:7080": {"pass": "routes"},
"[::1]:7081": {"pass": "routes"},
), 'source listeners configure'
def get_ipv6():
return client.get(sock_type='ipv6', port=7081)
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'exact'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'exact ipv6'
route_match({"source": [""]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'exact 2'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'exact 2 ipv6'
route_match({"source": "!"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'exact neg'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 200, 'exact neg ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'exact 3'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'exact 3 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'range single'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range single ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'range single 2'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range single 2 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'range'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'range 2'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range 2 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'range 3'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range 3 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'range 4'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range 4 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'range 5'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range 5 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'range 6'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, 'range 6 ipv6'
def test_routes_source_ipv6():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"[::1]:7080": {"pass": "routes"},
"": {"pass": "routes"},
), 'source listeners configure'
route_match({"source": "::1"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, 'exact'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'exact ipv4'
route_match({"source": ["::1"]})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, 'exact 2'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'exact 2 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "!::1"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 404, 'exact neg'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 200, 'exact neg ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::2"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 404, 'exact 3'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'exact 3 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::1-::1"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, 'range'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'range ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::2-::2"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 404, 'range 2'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'range 2 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::2-::3"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 404, 'range 3'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'range 3 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::1-::2"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, 'range 4'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'range 4 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::0-::2"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, 'range 5'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'range 5 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::0-::1"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, 'range 6'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'range 6 ipv4'
def test_routes_source_cidr():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"*:7080": {"pass": "routes"},
"[::1]:7081": {"pass": "routes"},
), 'source listeners configure'
def get_ipv6():
return client.get(sock_type='ipv6', port=7081)
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, '32'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, '32 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, '32 2'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, '32 2 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, '31'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, '31 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, '1'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, '1 ipv6'
route_match({"source": ""})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, '0'
assert get_ipv6()['status'] == 404, '0 ipv6'
def test_routes_source_cidr_ipv6():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"[::1]:7080": {"pass": "routes"},
"": {"pass": "routes"},
), 'source listeners configure'
route_match({"source": "::1/128"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, '128'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, '128 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::0/128"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 404, '128 2'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, '128 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::0/127"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, '127'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, '127 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::0/32"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, '32'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, '32 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::0/1"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, '1'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, '1 ipv4'
route_match({"source": "::/0"})
assert client.get(sock_type='ipv6')['status'] == 200, '0'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, '0 ipv4'
def test_routes_source_unix(temp_dir):
addr = f'{temp_dir}/sock'
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"": {"pass": "routes"},
f'unix:{addr}': {"pass": "routes"},
), 'source listeners configure'
route_match({"source": "!"})
assert (
client.get(sock_type='unix', addr=addr)['status'] == 200
), 'unix ipv4 neg'
route_match({"source": "!::/0"})
assert (
client.get(sock_type='unix', addr=addr)['status'] == 200
), 'unix ipv6 neg'
route_match({"source": "unix"})
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'unix ipv4'
assert client.get(sock_type='unix', addr=addr)['status'] == 200, 'unix'
def test_routes_match_source():
route_match({"source": "::"})
"source": [
"source": [
"source": [
route_match({"source": ["2001::", "[2002::]:8000", "[2003::]:8080-8090"]})
"source": [
"source": [
route_match({"source": "*:0-65535"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'source any'
def test_routes_match_source_invalid():
route_match_invalid({"source": "127"})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": "127.0.0."})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": ""})
route_match_invalid({"source": [""]})
route_match_invalid({"source": "[2001::]:3000-2000"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "2001::-2000::"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "2001::/129"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "::FFFFF"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "[::1]:"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "[:::]:7080"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "*:"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "*:1-a"})
route_match_invalid({"source": "*:65536"})
def test_routes_match_source_none():
route_match({"source": []})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'source none'
def test_routes_match_destination():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
{"*:7080": {"pass": "routes"}, "*:7081": {"pass": "routes"}},
), 'listeners configure'
route_match({"destination": "*:7080"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'dest'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'dest 2'
route_match({"destination": [""]})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'dest 3'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'dest 4'
route_match({"destination": "!*:7080"})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 200, 'dest neg 2'
route_match({"destination": ['!*:7080', '!*:7081']})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 3'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 4'
route_match({"destination": ['!*:7081', '!*:7082']})
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'dest neg 5'
route_match({"destination": ['*:7080', '!*:7080']})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 6'
route_match({"destination": ['', '*:7081', '!*:7080']})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 7'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 200, 'dest neg 8'
route_match({"destination": ['!*:7081', '!*:7082', '*:7083']})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 9'
route_match({"destination": ['*:7081', '!', '*:7080']})
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 10'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 200, 'dest neg 11'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'remove destination rule'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 12'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 13'
assert 'success' in client.conf_delete(
), 'remove destination rule 2'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'dest neg 14'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 15'
assert 'success' in client.conf_post(
"\"!\"", 'routes/0/match/destination'
), 'add destination rule'
assert client.get()['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 16'
assert client.get(port=7081)['status'] == 404, 'dest neg 17'
def test_routes_match_destination_proxy():
assert 'success' in client.conf(
"listeners": {
"*:7080": {"pass": "routes/first"},
"*:7081": {"pass": "routes/second"},
"routes": {
"first": [{"action": {"proxy": ""}}],
"second": [
"match": {"destination": [""]},
"action": {"return": 200},
"applications": {},
), 'proxy configure'
assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'proxy'