
289 lines
6.7 KiB

X:stylesheet {
X:output method="text";
X:param format="'generic'";
X:param pkgname="'unit'";
X:param configuration="'change_log_conf.xml'";
X:param curdate;
X:param curtime;
X:var conf = "document($configuration)/configuration";
X:var start = {
X:choose {
X:when "$format='rpm'" {
X:when "$format='deb'" {
X:when "$format='generic'" {
X:var indent = {
X:choose {
X:when "$format='rpm'" {
X:when "$format='deb'" {
X:when "$format='generic'" {
X:var max = {
X:choose {
X:when "$format='rpm'" {
X:when "$format='deb'" {
X:when "$format='generic'" {
X:var br = {<br>}
X:template = "/" { !! "change_log"; }
X:template = "change_log" { !! "changes"; }
X:template = "changes" {
X:var date_ = { !getdate(date="@date", curdate="$curdate") }
X:var time_ = { !gettime(time="@time", curtime="$curtime") }
X:var pday = { !padded_day(date="$date_") }
X:var dow = { !day_of_week(date="$date_") }
X:var apply = { !string_in_list(list="@apply", string="$pkgname") }
X:var pkgname_ = { !beautify(pkgname="$pkgname") }
X:choose {
X:when "$pkgname='unit' and $format='generic' and @rev!=1" {}
X:otherwise {
X:if "$apply=$pkgname" {
X:if "$format='generic'" {
X:text {
' ', @ver,
' '),
1, $conf/changes/length)}
!{substring($date_, 9, 2)}
!{$conf/changes/month[number(substring($date_, 6, 2))]}
!{substring($date_, 1, 4)}
X:if "$format='rpm'" {
!{concat('* ', $conf/changes/day[number($dow)],
$conf/changes/month[number(substring($date_, 6, 2))],
$pday, ' ',
substring($date_, 1, 4), ' ', @packager, ' - ',
@ver, '-', @rev, '%{?dist}.ngx')}
X:if "$format='deb'" {
!{concat($pkgname, ' (', @ver, '-', @rev,
'~%%CODENAME%%) %%CODENAME%%; urgency=low')}
X:text {
X:text {
!! "change";
X:text {
X:if "$format='deb'" {
!{concat(' -- ', @packager, ' ',
$conf/changes/day[number($dow)], ', ',
$conf/changes/month[number(substring($date_, 6, 2))],
substring($date_, 1, 4), ' ', $time_)}
X:text {
X:text {
X:template = "change" {
X:var prefix = "$conf/changes/*[local-name(.)=current()/@type]"
X:var postfix = { X:if "$prefix" { X:text {: } } }
!! "para" (prefix = "concat($start, $prefix, $postfix)");
X:template para(prefix) = "para" {
X:var text = { !!; }
X:if "$format='generic'" {
X:text {
!wrap(text = "normalize-space($text)",
prefix = { X:if "position() = 1" { !{$prefix} } else { !{$indent} } })
X:template wrap(text, prefix) {
X:if "$text" {
X:var offset = {
X:choose {
X:when "starts-with($text, concat($br, ' '))" {
!{string-length($br) + 2}
X:when "starts-with($text, $br)" {
!{string-length($br) + 1}
X:otherwise {
X:var length = {
!length(text = "substring($text, $offset)",
prefix = "string-length($prefix)",
length = "$max")
!{normalize-space(translate(substring($text, $offset, $length),
' ', ' '))}
X:text {
!wrap(text = "substring($text, $length + $offset)", prefix = "$indent")
X:template length(text, prefix, length) {
X:var break = "substring-before(substring($text, 1,
$length - $prefix + string-length($br)),
X:choose {
X:when "$break" { !{string-length($break)} }
X:when "$length = 0" { !{$max - $prefix} }
X:when "string-length($text) + $prefix <= $length" {
!{$length - $prefix}
X:when "substring($text, $length - $prefix + 1, 1) = ' '" {
!{$length - $prefix + 1}
X:otherwise {
!length(text = "$text", prefix = "$prefix", length = "$length - 1")
X:template day_of_week(date) {
X:param year = "substring-before($date, '-')";
X:param month = "substring-before(substring-after($date, '-'), '-')";
X:param day = "substring-after(substring-after($date, '-'), '-')";
X:var a = "floor((14 - $month) div 12)";
X:var y = "$year - $a";
X:var m = "$month + 12 * $a - 2";
!{($day + $y + floor($y div 4) - floor($y div 100)
+ floor($y div 400) + floor((31 * $m) div 12)) mod 7 + 1}
X:template padded_day(date) {
!{substring(concat(' ', format-number(substring($date, 9, 2), '##')),
1 + string-length(format-number(substring($date, 9, 2), '##')))}
X:template string_in_list(list, string) {
X:choose {
X:when "contains($list, ' ')" {
X:var str = "substring-before($list, ' ')";
X:choose {
X:when "$str=$string" {
X:otherwise {
!string_in_list(list="substring-after($list, ' ')",
X:otherwise {
X:if "$list=$string" { !{$string} }
X:if "$list='*'" { !{$string} }
X:template beautify(pkgname) {
X:choose {
X:when "$pkgname='unit'" {Unit}
X:otherwise {
X:template getdate(date, curdate) {
X:choose {
X:when "$date=''" {
X:otherwise {
X:template gettime(time, curtime) {
X:choose {
X:when "$time=''" {
X:otherwise {
X:template = "at" {@}
X:template = "br" { !{$br} }
X:template = "nobr" { !{translate(., ' ', ' ')} }