Andrei Zeliankou 7934dcabbc Tests: switched to using f-strings.
Previously, it was necessary to support older versions of Python for
compatibility.  F-strings were released in Python 3.6.  Python 3.5 was
marked as unsupported by the end of 2020, so now it's possible to start
using f-strings safely for better readability and performance.
2023-02-21 17:21:29 +00:00

100 lines
3.7 KiB

from unit.applications.lang.php import TestApplicationPHP
from unit.option import option
class TestPHPTargets(TestApplicationPHP):
prerequisites = {'modules': {'php': 'any'}}
def test_php_application_targets(self):
targets_dir = f"{option.test_dir}/php/targets"
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "routes"}},
"routes": [
"match": {"uri": "/1"},
"action": {"pass": "applications/targets/1"},
"match": {"uri": "/2"},
"action": {"pass": "applications/targets/2"},
{"action": {"pass": "applications/targets/default"}},
"applications": {
"targets": {
"type": self.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"targets": {
"1": {
"script": "1.php",
"root": targets_dir,
"2": {
"script": "2.php",
"root": f'{targets_dir}/2',
"default": {
"index": "index.php",
"root": targets_dir,
assert self.get(url='/1')['body'] == '1'
assert self.get(url='/2')['body'] == '2'
assert self.get(url='/blah')['status'] == 404
assert self.get(url='/')['body'] == 'index'
assert self.get(url='/1.php?test=test.php/')['body'] == '1'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"\"1.php\"", 'applications/targets/targets/default/index'
), 'change targets index'
assert self.get(url='/')['body'] == '1'
assert 'success' in self.conf_delete(
), 'remove targets index'
assert self.get(url='/')['body'] == 'index'
def test_php_application_targets_error(self):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"listeners": {
"*:7080": {"pass": "applications/targets/default"}
"applications": {
"targets": {
"type": self.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"targets": {
"default": {
"index": "index.php",
"root": f"{option.test_dir}/php/targets",
), 'initial configuration'
assert self.get()['status'] == 200
assert 'error' in self.conf(
{"pass": "applications/targets/blah"}, 'listeners/*:7080'
), 'invalid targets pass'
assert 'error' in self.conf(
), 'invalid root'
assert 'error' in self.conf(
'"index.php"', 'applications/targets/index'
), 'invalid index'
assert 'error' in self.conf(
'"index.php"', 'applications/targets/script'
), 'invalid script'
assert 'error' in self.conf_delete(
), 'root remove'