Andrei Zeliankou 0f72534660 Tests: style.
2022-04-11 21:05:14 +01:00

478 lines
15 KiB

import os
import re
from unit.applications.lang.python import TestApplicationPython
from unit.option import option
class TestUpstreamsRR(TestApplicationPython):
prerequisites = {'modules': {'python': 'any'}}
def setup_method(self):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"listeners": {
"*:7080": {"pass": "upstreams/one"},
"*:7090": {"pass": "upstreams/two"},
"*:7081": {"pass": "routes/one"},
"*:7082": {"pass": "routes/two"},
"*:7083": {"pass": "routes/three"},
"upstreams": {
"one": {
"servers": {
"": {},
"": {},
"two": {
"servers": {
"": {},
"": {},
"routes": {
"one": [{"action": {"return": 200}}],
"two": [{"action": {"return": 201}}],
"three": [{"action": {"return": 202}}],
"applications": {},
), 'upstreams initial configuration'
self.cpu_count = os.cpu_count()
def get_resps(self, req=100, port=7080):
resps = [0]
for _ in range(req):
status = self.get(port=port)['status']
if 200 > status or status > 209:
ups = status % 10
if ups > len(resps) - 1:
resps.extend([0] * (ups - len(resps) + 1))
resps[ups] += 1
return resps
def get_resps_sc(self, req=100, port=7080):
to_send = b"""GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
""" * (
req - 1
to_send += b"""GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
resp = self.http(to_send, raw_resp=True, raw=True, port=port)
status = re.findall(r'HTTP\/\d\.\d\s(\d\d\d)', resp)
status = list(filter(lambda x: x[:2] == '20', status))
ups = list(map(lambda x: int(x[-1]), status))
resps = [0] * (max(ups) + 1)
for i in range(len(ups)):
resps[ups[i]] += 1
return resps
def test_upstreams_rr_no_weight(self):
resps = self.get_resps()
assert sum(resps) == 100, 'no weight sum'
assert abs(resps[0] - resps[1]) <= self.cpu_count, 'no weight'
assert 'success' in self.conf_delete(
), 'no weight server remove'
resps = self.get_resps(req=50)
assert resps[1] == 50, 'no weight 2'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{}, 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'no weight server revert'
resps = self.get_resps()
assert sum(resps) == 100, 'no weight 3 sum'
assert abs(resps[0] - resps[1]) <= self.cpu_count, 'no weight 3'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{}, 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'no weight server new'
resps = self.get_resps()
assert sum(resps) == 100, 'no weight 4 sum'
assert max(resps) - min(resps) <= self.cpu_count, 'no weight 4'
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=30)
assert resps[0] == 10, 'no weight 4 0'
assert resps[1] == 10, 'no weight 4 1'
assert resps[2] == 10, 'no weight 4 2'
def test_upstreams_rr_weight(self):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{"weight": 3}, 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'configure weight'
resps = self.get_resps_sc()
assert resps[0] == 75, 'weight 3 0'
assert resps[1] == 25, 'weight 3 1'
assert 'success' in self.conf_delete(
), 'configure weight remove'
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=10)
assert resps[0] == 5, 'weight 0 0'
assert resps[1] == 5, 'weight 0 1'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
'1', 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'configure weight 1'
resps = self.get_resps_sc()
assert resps[0] == 50, 'weight 1 0'
assert resps[1] == 50, 'weight 1 1'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"": {"weight": 3},
"": {"weight": 2},
), 'configure weight 2'
resps = self.get_resps_sc()
assert resps[0] == 60, 'weight 2 0'
assert resps[2] == 40, 'weight 2 1'
def test_upstreams_rr_weight_rational(self):
def set_weights(w1, w2):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"": {"weight": w1},
"": {"weight": w2},
), 'configure weights'
def check_reqs(w1, w2, reqs=10):
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=reqs)
assert resps[0] == reqs * w1 / (w1 + w2), 'weight 1'
assert resps[1] == reqs * w2 / (w1 + w2), 'weight 2'
def check_weights(w1, w2):
set_weights(w1, w2)
check_reqs(w1, w2)
check_weights(0, 1)
check_weights(0, 999999.0123456)
check_weights(1, 9)
check_weights(100000, 900000)
check_weights(1, 0.25)
check_weights(1, 0.25)
check_weights(0.2, 0.8)
check_weights(1, 1.5)
check_weights(1e-3, 1e-3)
check_weights(1e-20, 1e-20)
check_weights(1e4, 1e4)
check_weights(1000000, 1000000)
set_weights(0.25, 0.25)
assert 'success' in self.conf_delete(
), 'delete weight'
check_reqs(1, 0.25)
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"": {"weight": 0.1},
"": {"weight": 1},
"": {"weight": 0.9},
), 'configure weights'
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=20)
assert resps[0] == 1, 'weight 3 1'
assert resps[1] == 10, 'weight 3 2'
assert resps[2] == 9, 'weight 3 3'
def test_upstreams_rr_independent(self):
def sum_resps(*args):
sum = [0] * len(args[0])
for arg in args:
sum = [x + y for x, y in zip(sum, arg)]
return sum
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=30, port=7090)
assert resps[0] == 15, 'dep two before 0'
assert resps[1] == 15, 'dep two before 1'
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=30)
assert resps[0] == 15, 'dep one before 0'
assert resps[1] == 15, 'dep one before 1'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
'2', 'upstreams/two/servers/'
), 'configure dep weight'
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=30, port=7090)
assert resps[0] == 20, 'dep two 0'
assert resps[1] == 10, 'dep two 1'
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=30)
assert resps[0] == 15, 'dep one 0'
assert resps[1] == 15, 'dep one 1'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
'1', 'upstreams/two/servers/'
), 'configure dep weight 1'
r_one, r_two = [0, 0], [0, 0]
for _ in range(10):
r_one = sum_resps(r_one, self.get_resps(req=10))
r_two = sum_resps(r_two, self.get_resps(req=10, port=7090))
assert sum(r_one) == 100, 'dep one mix sum'
assert abs(r_one[0] - r_one[1]) <= self.cpu_count, 'dep one mix'
assert sum(r_two) == 100, 'dep two mix sum'
assert abs(r_two[0] - r_two[1]) <= self.cpu_count, 'dep two mix'
def test_upstreams_rr_delay(self):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"listeners": {
"*:7080": {"pass": "upstreams/one"},
"*:7081": {"pass": "routes"},
"*:7082": {"pass": "routes"},
"upstreams": {
"one": {
"servers": {
"": {},
"": {},
"routes": [
"match": {"destination": "*:7081"},
"action": {"pass": "applications/delayed"},
"match": {"destination": "*:7082"},
"action": {"return": 201},
"applications": {
"delayed": {
"type": self.get_application_type(),
"processes": {"spare": 0},
"path": option.test_dir + "/python/delayed",
"working_directory": option.test_dir
+ "/python/delayed",
"module": "wsgi",
), 'upstreams initial configuration'
req = 50
socks = []
for i in range(req):
delay = 1 if i % 5 == 0 else 0
_, sock = self.get(
'Host': 'localhost',
'Content-Length': '0',
'X-Delay': str(delay),
'Connection': 'close',
resps = [0, 0]
for i in range(req):
resp = self.recvall(socks[i]).decode()
m = re.search(r'HTTP/1.1 20(\d)', resp)
assert m is not None, 'status'
resps[int(m.group(1))] += 1
assert sum(resps) == req, 'delay sum'
assert abs(resps[0] - resps[1]) <= self.cpu_count, 'delay'
def test_upstreams_rr_active_req(self):
conns = 5
socks = []
socks2 = []
for _ in range(conns):
_, sock = self.get(start=True, no_recv=True)
_, sock2 = self.http(
b"""POST / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Content-Length: 10
Connection: close
# Send one more request and read response to make sure that previous
# requests had enough time to reach server.
assert self.get()['body'] == ''
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{"": {"weight": 2}},
), 'active req new server'
assert 'success' in self.conf_delete(
), 'active req server remove'
assert 'success' in self.conf_delete(
), 'delete listener'
assert 'success' in self.conf_delete(
), 'active req upstream remove'
for i in range(conns):
assert (
self.http(b'', sock=socks[i], raw=True)['body'] == ''
), 'active req GET'
assert (
self.http(b"""0123456789""", sock=socks2[i], raw=True)['body']
== ''
), 'active req POST'
def test_upstreams_rr_bad_server(self):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{"weight": 1}, 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'configure bad server'
resps = self.get_resps_sc(req=30)
assert resps[0] == 10, 'bad server 0'
assert resps[1] == 10, 'bad server 1'
assert sum(resps) == 20, 'bad server sum'
def test_upstreams_rr_pipeline(self):
resps = self.get_resps_sc()
assert resps[0] == 50, 'pipeline 0'
assert resps[1] == 50, 'pipeline 1'
def test_upstreams_rr_post(self):
resps = [0, 0]
for _ in range(50):
resps[self.get()['status'] % 10] += 1
resps[self.post(body='0123456789')['status'] % 10] += 1
assert sum(resps) == 100, 'post sum'
assert abs(resps[0] - resps[1]) <= self.cpu_count, 'post'
def test_upstreams_rr_unix(self, temp_dir):
addr_0 = temp_dir + '/sock_0'
addr_1 = temp_dir + '/sock_1'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"*:7080": {"pass": "upstreams/one"},
"unix:" + addr_0: {"pass": "routes/one"},
"unix:" + addr_1: {"pass": "routes/two"},
), 'configure listeners unix'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{"unix:" + addr_0: {}, "unix:" + addr_1: {}},
), 'configure servers unix'
resps = self.get_resps_sc()
assert resps[0] == 50, 'unix 0'
assert resps[1] == 50, 'unix 1'
def test_upstreams_rr_ipv6(self):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"*:7080": {"pass": "upstreams/one"},
"[::1]:7081": {"pass": "routes/one"},
"[::1]:7082": {"pass": "routes/two"},
), 'configure listeners ipv6'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{"[::1]:7081": {}, "[::1]:7082": {}}, 'upstreams/one/servers'
), 'configure servers ipv6'
resps = self.get_resps_sc()
assert resps[0] == 50, 'ipv6 0'
assert resps[1] == 50, 'ipv6 1'
def test_upstreams_rr_servers_empty(self):
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{}, 'upstreams/one/servers'
), 'configure servers empty'
assert self.get()['status'] == 502, 'servers empty'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
{"": {"weight": 0}}, 'upstreams/one/servers'
), 'configure servers empty one'
assert self.get()['status'] == 502, 'servers empty one'
assert 'success' in self.conf(
"": {"weight": 0},
"": {"weight": 0},
), 'configure servers empty two'
assert self.get()['status'] == 502, 'servers empty two'
def test_upstreams_rr_invalid(self):
assert 'error' in self.conf({}, 'upstreams'), 'upstreams empty'
assert 'error' in self.conf(
{}, 'upstreams/one'
), 'named upstreams empty'
assert 'error' in self.conf(
{}, 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'invalid address'
assert 'error' in self.conf(
{}, 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'invalid server option'
def check_weight(w):
assert 'error' in self.conf(
w, 'upstreams/one/servers/'
), 'invalid weight option'