Andrew Clayton 2b4a7eedd0 Wasm: Wire the Wasm language module up to the build system.
This allows to configure the Wasm module, e.g

  ./configure wasm --include-path=/path/to/wasmtime-v11.0.0-x86_64-linux-c-api/include --lib-path=/path/to/wasmtime-v11.0.0-x86_64-linux-c-api/lib --rpath

--rpath as above says to set the rpath to the value of --lib-path. You
can alternatively specify a directory to use as the rpath. Or simply
omit the option to not have an rpath set.

This is mostly useful for during development where you may not have the
Wasmtime stuff installed to system directories or you want to test with
newer/different versions.

See ./configure wasm --help for a full list of options.

Reviewed-by: Alejandro Colomar <alx@nginx.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Clayton <a.clayton@nginx.com>
2023-08-17 13:09:42 +01:00

82 lines
3.1 KiB

# Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
# Copyright (C) NGINX, Inc.
cat << END
./configure options:
--cc=FILE set C compiler filename, default: "$CC"
--cc-opt=OPTIONS set additional C compiler options
--ld-opt=OPTIONS set additional linker options
--prefix=DIR default: "/usr/local"
--exec-prefix=DIR default: "\$prefix"
--bindir=DIR default: "\$exec_prefix/bin"
--sbindir=DIR default: "\$exec_prefix/sbin"
--includedir=DIR default: "\$prefix/include"
--libdir=DIR default: "\$exec_prefix/lib"
--modulesdir=DIR default: "\$libdir/unit/modules"
--datarootdir=DIR default: "\$prefix/share"
--mandir=DIR default: "\$datarootdir/man"
--pkgconfigdir=DIR default: "\$datarootdir/pkgconfig"
--localstatedir=DIR default: "\$prefix/var"
--statedir=DIR default: "\$localstatedir/lib/unit"
--runstatedir=DIR default: "\$localstatedir/run/unit"
--logdir=DIR default: "\$localstatedir/log/unit"
--tmpdir=DIR default: "/tmp"
--incdir=DIR [deprecated] synonym for --includedir
--modules=DIR [deprecated] synonym for --modulesdir
--state=DIR [deprecated] synonym for --statedir
--tmp=DIR [deprecated] synonym for --tmpdir
--pid=FILE set pid filename, default: "\$runstatedir/unit.pid"
--log=FILE set log filename, default: "\$logdir/unit.log"
--control=ADDRESS set address of control API socket
default: "unix:\$runstatedir/control.unit.sock"
--user=USER set non-privileged processes to run as specified user
default: "$NXT_USER"
--group=GROUP set non-privileged processes to run as specified group
default: user's primary group
--no-ipv6 disable IPv6 support
--no-unix-sockets disable Unix domain sockets support
--no-regex disable regular expression support
--no-pcre2 force using PCRE library
--openssl enable OpenSSL library usage
--njs enable NJS library usage
--debug enable debug logging
python OPTIONS configure Python module
run "./configure python --help" to see available options
php OPTIONS configure PHP module
run "./configure php --help" to see available options
go OPTIONS configure Go module
run "./configure go --help" to see available options
perl OPTIONS configure Perl module
run "./configure perl --help" to see available options
ruby OPTIONS configure Ruby module
run "./configure ruby --help" to see available options
nodejs OPTIONS configure Node.js module
run "./configure nodejs --help" to see available options
java OPTIONS configure Java module
run "./configure java --help" to see available options
wasm OPTIONS configure WebAssembly module
run "./configure wasm --help" to see available options