from __future__ import annotations import discord from discord import app_commands from discord.ext import tasks, commands import logging import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from aiohttp import ClientSession import asyncpg from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional import constants log = logging.getLogger("lina.main") if TYPE_CHECKING: from cogs import PlayerTrack from cogs import Online extensions = ( "", "cogs.playertrack", "cogs.core", "cogs.misc", "cogs.pokemap", "" ) class STKRequestError(Exception): """Raised when an error occurs upon performing a request to STK servers.""" pass class STKAddonsAPIError(Exception): pass class Lina(commands.Bot): """ Class representing lina herself. """ pool: asyncpg.Pool def __init__(self): intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True intents.members = True allowed_mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, roles=False) super().__init__(intents=intents, activity=discord.Game(name="SuperTuxKart"), allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, command_prefix=constants.PREFIX) self.accent_color = constants.ACCENT_COLOR self.stk_userid: int = None self.stk_token: str = None self.stk_sessid: str = None self.version = "1.1.3" async def stkPostReq(self, target, args): """Helper function to send a POST request to STK servers.""" assert self.session is not None log.debug( "Sending %s to %s", args.replace(str(self.stk_token), "[REDACTED]").replace(constants.STK_PASSWORD, "[REDACTED]"), str(self.session._base_url) + target ) async with target, data=args, headers={ **self.session.headers, "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } ) as r: r.raise_for_status() data = et.fromstring(await r.text()) if data.attrib["success"] == "no": raise STKRequestError(data.attrib["info"]) else: return data async def stkGetReq(self, target): """Helper function to send a GET request to STK servers.""" assert self.session is not None async with self.session.get(target) as r: r.raise_for_status() return et.fromstring(await r.text()) async def authSTK(self): """Authenticate to STK""""Trying to authenticate STK account {constants.STK_USERNAME}") loginPayload = await self.stkPostReq( "/api/v2/user/connect", f"username={constants.STK_USERNAME}&" f"password={constants.STK_PASSWORD}&" "save-session=true" ) self.stk_userid = loginPayload.attrib["userid"] self.stk_token = loginPayload.attrib["token"]"STK user {loginPayload.attrib['username']} logged in successfully.") if not self.stkPoll.is_running(): self.stkPoll.start() @tasks.loop(minutes=1) async def stkPoll(self): try: await self.stkPostReq( "/api/v2/user/poll", f"userid={self.stk_userid}&" f"token={self.stk_token}" ) except STKRequestError as e: if str(e) in "Session not valid. Please sign in.": log.warning("Session was invalidated. Reauthenticating...") await self.authSTK() else: log.error("Poll request failed: %s", e) except Exception: log.exception("Poll request failed due to exception:") @tasks.loop(minutes=10) async def stkaddonsSessionPersister(self): """ A very convoluted way of retaining the SuperTuxKart Addons Website's STK_SESSID. This is needed to make requests to the frontend API """ log.debug("Trying to obtain STK_SESSID") req = await"/login.php?action=submit", headers={ **self.session.headers, "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, data=( f"username={constants.STK_USERNAME}&" f"password={constants.STK_PASSWORD}" )) # A successful login will result in a redirect so check if it happened. if not len(req.history) == 1: log.warning("Frontend API Login was not successful") else: self.stk_sessid = req.cookies["STK_SESSID"].value log.debug("Successfully obtained STK_SESSID: %s", self.stk_sessid) async def on_command_error(self, ctx: commands.Context, error: commands.CommandError): log.exception("%s: Command error occurred",, exc_info=error) if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): return await"You can't use this command in private messages.") if isinstance(error, commands.NotOwner): return await ctx.send("This command is restricted to the owner only.") if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): error: commands.CommandInvokeError original = error.original if isinstance(original, STKRequestError): return await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( title="Sorry, an STK related error occurred.", description=str(original), color=self.accent_color )) return await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( title="Sorry, this shouldn't have happened. Guru Meditation.", description=f"```\n{error.original.__class__.__name__}: {str(error.original)}\n```", color=self.accent_color )) async def on_app_command_error(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, error: app_commands.AppCommandError): log.exception("%s: App command error occurred.",, exc_info=error) if isinstance(error, app_commands.CommandInvokeError): error: app_commands.CommandInvokeError original = error.original if isinstance(original, STKRequestError): return await interaction.response.send_message(embed=discord.Embed( title="Sorry, an STK related error occurred.", description=str(original), color=self.accent_color ), ephemeral=True) return await interaction.response.send_message(embed=discord.Embed( title="Sorry, this shouldn't have happened. Guru Meditation.", description=f"```\n{error.original.__class__.__name__}: {str(error.original)}\n```", color=self.accent_color ), ephemeral=True) async def afterStkAuth(self): self.stkaddonsSessionPersister.start() for extension in extensions: log.debug("Loading extension %s", extension) try: await self.load_extension(extension) except Exception: log.exception(f"Unable to load extension {extension}.") else: log.debug("Successfully loaded extension %s.", extension) async def setup_hook(self): self.tree.error(self.on_app_command_error) if not hasattr(self, "uptime"): self.uptime = discord.utils.utcnow() self.session = ClientSession( "", headers={ "User-Agent": f"linaSTK-Discord/{self.version} (+" } ) try: await self.authSTK() except Exception as e: log.exception("STK account authentication failed. " "See below for details.", exc_info=e) await self.close() else: await self.afterStkAuth() async def close(self): """Shut down lina""""lina is shutting down...") if hasattr(self, 'session'): # it's important to check if the session is closed in case # something went wrong before the session is set up if not self.session.closed: try: if self.stk_userid and self.stk_token: # send a client quit request so that internal online # counter is deducted and mark the STK account offline await self.stkPostReq("/api/v2/user/client-quit", f"userid={self.stk_userid}&" f"token={self.stk_token}") else: log.warning("userid and token is absent. " "will not send client quit request.") finally: await self.session.close() await super().close() async def start(self): """Bring lina to life""""Starting bot...") await super().start(constants.TOKEN, reconnect=True) @property def playertrack(self) -> Optional[PlayerTrack]: """Represents the PlayerTrack cog""" return self.get_cog("PlayerTrack") @property def online(self) -> Optional[Online]: """Represents the Online cog""" return self.get_cog("Online") async def on_ready(self):"Bot {self.user} ({}) is ready!")