William Artero 6c5e904e9d
Some checks failed
Integration / metadata (push) Has been cancelled
Integration / lint (push) Has been cancelled
Integration / test (push) Has been cancelled
Security / metadata (push) Has been cancelled
Security / analyze (push) Has been cancelled
Integration / build (push) Has been cancelled
Integration / report (push) Has been cancelled
Integration / container (push) Has been cancelled
Security / security-scan (push) Has been cancelled
chore: last chance for GHA. I'm about to pull the dagger here
Signed-off-by: William Artero <>
2023-12-06 16:17:03 +01:00

63 lines
776 B

version: "0.2"
- .github
dictionaryDefinitions: []
dictionaries: []
- Alloc
- Anidb
- anilist
- anilistarr
- Anisearch
- automaxprocs
- bbolt
- Debugf
- dgraph
- fribbs
- genqlient
- Imdb
- Infof
- jmoiron
- Kitsu
- Livechart
- logr
- mergo
- modernc
- nolint
- nosniff
- openslo
- opentelemetry
- otel
- otelchi
- otelhttp
- otelruntime
- otlp
- otlpmetric
- otlpmetricgrpc
- otlpr
- otlptrace
- otlptracegrpc
- promhttp
- promql
- pyroscope
- radarr
- redisotel
- riandyrn
- romaji
- sdkmetric
- sdktrace
- semconv
- Sonarr
- sqlx
- themoviedb
- thetvdb
- Tmdb
- tvdb
- Upsert
- usecases
- Warningf
ignoreWords: []
import: []