If you are unfamiliar with bare repos or you don't want a command aliased to git, you can also use [[https://www.gnu.org/software/gnu][GNU Stow]]. Stow automatically links files or directories from the stow-dir to your dotfiles folder.
First, you need to install Stow, if it isn't already installed:
#+begin_src shell
sudo pacman -S stow # arch-based systems OR
sudo apt install stow # Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu) OR
Tmux-plugin-manager TPM writes its plugins to =$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/plugins/=. As we /stow/ our config to =$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/=, too, we must create this directory before /stow/-ing, so only the tmux.conf is a symlink. This is not needed when using recommended base-repo install.