#+TITLE: Dotfiles #+AUTHOR: Yannik Buerkle #+DATE: <2024-05-25 Sat> * fzf If your zsh startes with the message =unknown option: --zsh=, your fzf version is too old. Install fzf with version 0.48.1 or later. You can download fzf from [[https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/releases][junegunn/fzf]]. Extract the tar.gz file and copy fzf to /usr/local/bin or any location on your $PATH. * tmux Tmux-plugin-manager TPM writes its plugins to =$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/plugins/=. As we /stow/ our config to =$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/=, too, we must create this directory before /stow/-ing, so only the tmux.conf is a symlink. #+begin_src shell mkdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux # before stowing #+end_src