2024-05-02 23:45:08 -07:00

1.8 KiB


Yeah, yeah, another setup script. This one does the usual boring stuff, but hey, this one is recently updated (probably) and it actually works (also probably).

What This Script (Begrudgingly) Does

  • Updates Your Repos (Because It Has To): Gets you the freshest packages because apparently that's important to some people.
  • Installs Essential Repos: Adds tur-repo and x11-repo, because who doesn't need more package sources?
  • Development Tools (Blah Blah Blah): Installs Code-OSS (for the GUI lovers), Nodejs (with npm, of course), Python 3 (with pip), Python 2 (for the dinosaurs), and more.
  • XFCE4 Desktop (If You're Into That Sort of Thing): Sets up XFCE4 so you can pretend Termux is a real computer.
  • VNC Server (With a Catch): Installs a VNC server so you can remotely access your tiny Android desktop. Don't forget: Run vncpasswd after restarting to actually set a password.
  • Zsh Upgrade (Because Bash Is Lame): Switches your default shell to the mighty Zsh.
  • Aliases (For the Extremely Lazy): Includes these shortcuts so you don't have to type a few extra characters:
    • py - Run Python 3 scripts
    • py2 - Run Python 2 scripts
    • startvnc - Start the VNC server and XFCE4 desktop
    • killvnc - Stop the VNC server (Srsly: this is important because if you do not kill the server before stopping Termux, the next time you use startvnc, it'll bitch about display locks.)

Usage (If You Must)

Here is an overly-complicated one-liner to install so I can look as though I'm smart and I know what I'm doing:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theregoesmyeye/TermuxSetup/main/setup.sh | tee ~/setup.sh && chmod +x ~/setup.sh && bash ~/setup.sh && rm ~/setup.sh


  1. Now sets up storage and installs git, bruh.